Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2451
Currently Logged in: 192

Top Players - Team

Next Reset Thirtieth round: Jun 26, 2012 - Jul 27, 2012 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 148 countries in the Team server.

1 Quiet Anger (#29) 36,610$97,577,983 H monks
2 PAWN CARS (#45) 42,864$95,354,411 CG ETFT
3 Explosia (#70)  Game profile 37,305$64,672,527 HG monks
4 pounding away with a 8 inch CAR (#35) 34,148$57,673,743 H ETFT
5 Tyrion the seksi imp (#36) 33,712$53,116,757 C oLMFAOo
6 Chosimbaone (#52) 16,684$52,874,934 HG monks
7 Circus Circus (#42)  Game profile 22,255$50,903,875 DG monks
8 Death Before Disco (#88) 18,286$50,233,832 R DBD
9 Walls Of Stalingrad (#2) 13,693$50,134,936 HG DBD
10 meghan markle is an angel (#3)  Game profile 19,836$49,392,735 HG notRD
11 Intrepid (#61) 20,976$43,524,714 F monks
12 HeglumeH QaQ jajvam (#4)  Game profile 21,370$40,595,657 R Shaolin
13 Death By Diplomatics (#82) 21,490$34,740,299 H DBD
14 Tigress (#106)  Game profile 17,106$34,481,113 FG DBD1
15 StLouisCardinals (#16)  Game profile 19,651$32,484,874 D Shaolin
16 Bombo Radyo (#125) 17,977$30,825,941 DG oLMFAOo
17 Death by Dullahan (#54) 11,994$30,586,570 H DBD
18 not Mr Iris (#23)  Game profile 17,909$30,486,390 HG notRD
19 Agent H (#78) 9753$28,457,969 H MIB
20 fearvendor (#60) 13,843$27,222,045 FG xTSOGx
21 Yesterday I stuck it in the wron (#47)  Game profile 15,513$26,438,982 D ETFT
22 Ich Tu Dir Weh (#19)  Game profile 17,571$24,158,947 R PokERSeX
23 hey hey hey (#95) 19,583$23,934,288 D Cobra
24 RunningOutOfTime (#43) 14,779$19,221,667 C MKR
25 Captain Ahab (#31) 19,941$19,028,348 F HAN
26 Polgara (#80) 21,932$18,275,877 C MKR2
27 One Set at a Time (#5) 19,270$18,272,159 F MKR
28 C R O A T I A (#41)  Game profile 20,599$17,792,414 DG  
29 I Grew Up On A Couch (#116) 18,108$17,621,652 IG Cobra
30 Herbs garden (#57) 18,702$17,283,546 T MKR
31 diamonds and guns (#6)  Game profile 17,104$16,866,859 H Shaolin
32 Baldwin (#72) 20,568$16,796,417 F ENVY
33 Furtive (#84) 11,443$16,051,685 H Cobra
34 Not Papasmurf (#148) 15,190$15,890,110 FG DBD1
35 Kuck (#76) 11,081$15,045,987 I BknArrow
36 Swamp Donkey (#104) 18,135$14,959,357 R ramboSEX
37 Agent K (#28) 16,008$14,936,889 I MIB
38 No Savis Nada (#132) 13,391$13,785,716 H MILFsex
39 Dark Realm (#79) 23,581$12,093,439 T BknArrow
40 No (#56) 13,827$11,861,388 T HAN
41 Jossey Jump Up (#97) 9365$11,858,432 HG Cobra
42 TBP (#30) 15,604$11,808,892 T xTSOGx
43 ghost (#24) 13,472$10,709,807 M xTSOGx
44 Sporty Thievz No Pigeons (#22)  Game profile 6233$10,684,617 C MIB
45 GuttySex (#7) 17,409$10,370,788 T BknArrow
46 Fire and Blood (#85) 17,637$10,097,924 I MKR
47 Wargasms on your belly (#11) 13,637$9,955,206 D WetSEX
48 Boltard made me do it (#115) 17,646$9,801,672 F PokERSeX
49 Latina Booty Lover (#122)  Game profile 12,584$8,864,716 T WetSEX
50 undertaker (#18) 13,795$8,853,600 F xTSOGx
51 Illian (#98) 6489$8,508,622 D DC
52 Captain God (#37) 11,651$8,400,252 C HAN
53 CARnilingus (#92) 17,879$8,321,500 F ETFT
54 KSFforever (#14) 10,641$8,262,864 T LORDs
55 Hulk (#103) 5761$7,459,090 D DC
56 Wilted Flower (#99) 22,258$6,669,021 I xTSOGx
57 Killing machine (#44) 15,022$6,533,063 M MKR2
58 Agent D (#26) 12,452$6,406,771 T MIB3
59 Call Me (#120)  Game profile 9449$6,209,540 F MILFsex
60 asdfasdf (#105) 9975$5,335,192 T MKR2
61 War Machine (#58) 9720$5,301,658 R MILFsex
62 cypress momomo (#83) 9982$4,581,066 I PokERSeX
63 Tessaract (#107) 12,775$4,284,531 T LORDs
64 Is this a push or pull (#9) 9696$4,036,179 TG  
65 Mr pLow (#40) 7582$3,843,925 T LORDs
66 bang a bang a boom (#144) 11,212$3,770,289 T Mungami
67 Touched by the Hand of God (#33)  Game profile 9990$3,482,000 M HAN
68 Gutty in her jungle (#48) 9988$3,087,028 T LORDs
69 Boltar stole my kidney (#139)  Game profile 7768$3,044,866 C WetSEX
70 bad day (#172) 9300$2,947,939 HG  
71 Wrath of a Stoner (#113)  Game profile 7586$2,813,430 T bunny
72 back for more (#102)  Game profile 8353$2,794,860 T Mungami
73 Why So Serious (#86)  Game profile 6089$2,573,051 H DC
74 Deathwish (#68) 9255$2,554,590 T bunny
75 Btown (#74) 2624$2,518,635 T ENVY
76 Cahokia (#136) 3114$2,490,163 TG OLD
77 Jagged Edge (#176) 8020$2,470,041 C Mungami
78 Hoof Arted (#51)  Game profile 2289$2,288,651 T IR
79 asterisk (#168) 6617$2,229,817 H  
80 bug (#175)  Game profile 8945$2,198,210 T MIB3
81 papercut (#167) 8203$2,072,253 F  
82 Broccoli (#130) 5766$2,044,154 FG  
83 restarting (#178) 4424$1,915,439 I MIB2
84 vintageplayer (#182) 7017$1,854,605 D  
85 Natsu Dragneel (#119) 8092$1,845,909 T WetSEX
86 TSO Are Sissies (#191) 1911$1,647,630 T HAN
87 Death by Double Dees (#108)  Game profile 7055$1,604,273 C DBD
88 SUP NINJA (#186)  Game profile 7266$1,600,916 T  
89 Walls of Tacos (#55) 5521$1,543,689 T PokERSeX
90 ZOMG WHAT DID U DO QZ (#111) 6528$1,457,493 TG TEST
91 just here to missle you (#25) 5424$1,418,869 I PokERSeX
92 Rebel Yell (#121) 5689$1,391,258 F MILFsex
93 Agent Em (#8) 1339$1,390,480 I MIB4
94 My Name is My Name (#179) 3788$1,129,229 I DC
95 KSF (#181) 8665$1,106,425 C  
96 hagahong (#146) 5027$1,076,165 R  
97 DontKnowTheThemeButIKnowILoveSex (#38)  Game profile 1356$1,003,095 T BknArrow
98 Chicken Huntin (#32)  Game profile 2356$983,079 T BknArrow
99 whasdftre (#170) 4687$901,851 F  
100 Dark (#141) 4625$843,757 D Cobra

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