Dec 26 - Feb 23
Feb 19 - Feb 23
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Feb 2 - Mar 2
Active countries: 2445
Currently Logged in: 214

Top Players - Team

Next Reset Fourth round: Apr 03, 2010 - May 03, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 236 countries in the Team server.

1 m0m0tastic suicider (#180) 41,099$65,180,169 HG SKA
2 Death By Defenestration (#99) 24,777$44,583,718 DG DBD
3 No countries found (#168)  Game profile 31,479$43,854,074 HG SKA
4 Para Bellum (#60) 33,602$43,793,852 HG MadeMen
5 Demons By Dark (#92) 21,099$39,363,824 DG DBD
6 Death by Debarkation (#109)  Game profile 16,708$38,768,796 RG DBD
7 I got balls of Steel (#106)  Game profile 12,561$38,500,000 HG Unleash
8 Thick as a brick (#140)  Game profile 17,316$37,172,474 DG Addict
9 Dippy Bareback Didapper (#54) 21,097$36,983,285 DG DBD
10 TeamWork FTW (#155) 12,964$35,138,428 HG TeamWork
11 Feelin the beats (#23) 28,105$34,687,099 C Addict
12 Blade of Sakura (#76) 17,443$34,473,934 HG TWjunior
13 llaar (#190) 20,351$32,715,320 C Nameless
14 ghaliajihn (#158) 18,496$32,084,586 DG MKR
15 Iberian Peloponnese (#24)  Game profile 22,224$31,970,915 F MKR
16 Im waiting FOR PIZZA So be it (#165) 19,588$31,213,457 R TMNT
17 HokieNation (#68)  Game profile 25,106$31,096,038 CG MKR2
18 Pooper Scooper (#38) 30,207$29,666,063 C TMNT
19 DBD Engulf and Conquer (#48) 19,452$29,161,365 D DBD
20 Cant Lie Gonna Eat A Pie (#161) 22,304$28,468,151 RG TMNT
21 hai2u2 orly (#162) 12,365$28,432,241 HG Unleash
22 eddieistan (#156)  Game profile 19,530$27,763,031 RG Nameless
23 mystic empire (#55) 16,185$27,547,973 RG Teamhunt
24 Guardian of Tomorrow (#78) 41,542$27,409,678 H MadeMen
25 Rocking Teh Market (#136) 12,462$26,948,282 H Unleash
26 H E I N E K E N (#46) 14,230$26,575,049 HG TeamWork
27 Mr Cobalt (#56) 13,641$25,482,414 HG TWjunior
28 Sucky Sucky Five Dolla (#41) 20,044$24,838,183 F NBK
29 ThrillaInManila (#5)  Game profile 18,572$24,807,590 FG TWjunior
30 Pizza Overwhelming (#149) 16,575$24,599,064 T PIZZACAT
31 Sweet Pickle Lemonade (#191)  Game profile 46,212$24,569,318 F Lords 1
32 Set The World Afire (#119) 14,764$23,750,641 C Nameless
33 There is no I in Team (#74)  Game profile 10,127$23,555,183 H TeamWork
34 Who e il 6pack fannullone (#100) 18,433$23,525,009 R FistPump
35 ICe Man is Back (#213) 10,936$23,483,161 H xRENx
36 Foomy (#167) 20,147$23,393,852 FG Unleash
37 Out of the Ashes (#35) 23,648$23,063,988 IG MKR
38 H (#234) 21,376$23,056,298 C Lords 2
39 here we go again (#169) 31,493$22,989,859 F MadeMen
40 Gluconeogenesis (#59)  Game profile 34,701$22,938,983 FG MadeMen
41 Donny (#21)  Game profile 19,256$22,872,105 HG DTCP
42 My Kinda farmeR (#123)  Game profile 21,032$22,611,097 FG MKR
43 Man Made Disaster (#83) 14,087$22,531,477 F Teamhunt
44 New England Pangtriots (#44) 11,843$21,828,840 CG Addict
45 Code Red (#228) 30,334$21,600,000 R SKA
46 Zerg meat on my pizza (#152) 16,920$21,590,028 H PIZZACAT
47 Water Pipe (#166) 9496$21,533,074 H MadMen
48 We hunt in teams (#58) 23,877$21,148,985 C TeamWork
49 Alanisse morrissette (#179) 18,623$20,810,389 C Unleash
50 running in the rain (#75) 17,408$20,353,688 DG MadeMen
51 MyLyon (#175) 20,654$20,201,994 F ElysiumT
52 MorWen Humping Flamey (#86) 26,329$20,022,746 R ElysiumT
53 A Night Like This (#72) 20,471$19,414,584 C Teamhunt
54 whotfru (#43) 14,429$19,253,766 C ETFT
55 Fillin Time (#13) 22,564$19,120,697 C Nameless
56 back for more (#192) 13,366$18,380,407 DG Knuckles
57 Feathery Avian (#96) 16,635$18,211,848 R Lords 2
58 Who LandKilled Me (#227) 12,252$17,971,300 R DTCP
59 SPC good 2 go sir (#163) 17,673$17,956,257 T PIZZACAT
60 There Is No Cat Level (#211)  Game profile 29,942$17,708,752 T PIZZACAT
61 Power Overwhelming (#132)  Game profile 17,575$17,168,581 T TMNT
62 Lance M Donovan (#10) 13,170$16,967,781 M Toast
63 ska (#121)  Game profile 9392$16,875,419 DG Toast
64 The Nibbler (#8) 12,202$16,775,387 D MKR2
65 Little Boy Bomb (#189)  Game profile 9528$16,379,103 C AMMO
66 The Grundlecruncher (#209) 18,707$16,248,791 I TMNT
67 google (#90) 8522$15,845,351 R NBK
68 iForgotHowThisWorks (#148) 18,890$15,773,218 RG Teamhunt
69 crack (#88) 10,151$15,317,713 R MisFit
70 askmeaboutmypickle (#159) 15,170$14,828,226 F Lords 1
71 the candy shop (#36) 19,783$14,475,623 T DTCP
72 MrsQ (#104) 8779$14,426,917 RG Teamhunt
73 The 5th rAndomiZation (#6) 14,299$14,424,325 T Lords 2
74 Plague (#183) 10,665$14,080,660 H REVorDIE
75 Here Come The Lords (#127) 16,364$14,005,921 F Lords 1
76 It hurts when I pee QQ (#39)  Game profile 23,935$13,485,609 C DTCP
77 Kladdekaga (#107) 11,610$13,179,800 R xPNx
78 Alligators (#112) 12,462$13,151,366 FG TWjunior
79 Hell Blows Me (#176)  Game profile 12,965$13,013,912 FG xPNx
80 I R WoG BLUEEE (#131) 14,293$12,876,285 T FistPump
81 imbhad (#26) 23,409$12,598,720 T MKR2
82 Dragons Rage (#212) 15,086$12,428,418 H Rage
83 HellFishArmy (#71)  Game profile 19,549$12,124,979 C xRENx
84 C R O A T I A (#50)  Game profile 7542$11,958,462 D  
85 Vieux Carre (#17) 17,493$11,749,242 I MadMen
86 sdasd (#217) 10,364$11,642,904 R DTCP
87 MooSeHeaD (#95) 5409$11,602,810 H P90X
88 2 (#11) 10,423$11,141,294 I AzN
89 SMASH BANG BOOM KAPOW (#142) 19,821$11,049,982 C Toast
90 Live for the Swarm Die 4 Pururun (#153) 14,085$10,289,408 C PIZZACAT
91 LoTnKSF (#28) 13,493$9,881,707 T Lords 1
92 He He (#116) 11,691$9,780,988 CG MisFit
93 Recon (#185) 8447$9,352,049 M REVorDIE
94 Kakco (#1) 11,955$9,248,385 FG  
95 TBP (#64) 12,530$9,243,821 TG NBKiller
96 Team Play (#69)  Game profile 14,087$9,226,609 R MANGLED
97 jajajajaja (#134) 13,968$9,184,513 R MadMen
98 Fungus (#102) 17,469$9,082,097 C xRENx
99 I retal x3 (#12) 13,084$8,727,701 IG TeamAB
100 killing machine (#32) 13,693$8,066,109 T MKR2

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