Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2543
Currently Logged in: 175

Top Players - Team

Next Reset Forty-first round: Jun 06, 2013 - Jul 07, 2013 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 162 countries in the Team server.

1 Xin ran out of food (#72) 36,898$92,987,452 R EFTF
2 The Seksi Pinoy (#40) 26,347$66,436,331 H TPA
3 m0m0 (#4) 38,344$65,706,494 FG m0m0m0m0
4 game of m0m0 (#5) 28,914$64,123,537 R m0m0
5 Some Say Im a Complicated Man (#59)  Game profile 19,861$56,338,593 HG notrd
6 Slingshot Zombie Killer (#11) 20,717$55,740,764 R EFFT
7 nina dobrev is an angel (#1)  Game profile 16,578$54,735,144 HG notrd
8 Evil Hawk Tutu (#41)  Game profile 20,212$51,535,313 RG notrd
9 Ice and Flames (#91)  Game profile 21,595$51,393,542 C EFFT
10 diamonds and guns (#75)  Game profile 20,072$48,266,210 HG EFTF
11 Phantom and Illusion (#56) 24,217$47,449,394 C IX
12 No Way (#2) 22,315$47,008,490 C m0m0
13 Ella Enchanted (#110) 23,481$45,045,437 R TPA2
14 All Ex Fodder (#98)  Game profile 14,750$43,982,385 DG EFTF
15 2URGSE (#18)  Game profile 30,388$43,518,070 CG ETFT
16 m0m0s cant speel (#6) 18,217$43,201,072 HG m0m0
17 Shedding tears cuz im 9th tier (#119)  Game profile 26,131$43,001,022 DG notrd
18 HOLIDAY FTW (#28) 24,346$42,715,979 H EFFT
19 Mr Iris (#60)  Game profile 21,472$42,649,560 HG notrd
20 Her Daddy Was A Bank Robber (#77) 16,020$39,843,651 RG EFFT
21 Papa Smurf hearts your mom (#27)  Game profile 24,128$38,089,256 HG MKR
22 wala (#73)  Game profile 17,036$31,725,800 DG TPA
23 The Last Outpost of MKR (#14) 27,289$30,447,200 F MKR
24 1st MKR Vol Cavalry (#126) 22,816$30,284,251 C MKRII
25 DKhead (#99)  Game profile 25,829$29,914,108 T DK
26 BAHAHA (#67)  Game profile 16,697$28,320,353 R m0m0m0m0
27 Stealth Hope (#69) 17,473$28,056,866 R IX
28 Toilet Paper Alliance (#111) 12,180$27,822,100 HG TPA2
29 exothermix (#81) 14,692$27,495,783 I ETFT
30 joegals (#33) 20,764$26,452,764 I TPA
31 I believe in a thing called love (#8) 15,438$25,392,387 D m0m0m0m0
32 They made me join (#54) 12,915$25,323,663 H IX
33 Stealth (#104) 15,162$24,395,562 M JfA
34 Learn Hao2 Net Oldman (#48)  Game profile 12,536$24,269,744 T ETFT
35 Do i have to play (#88) 23,837$22,730,424 C IX2
36 C2daH2daA2daZ (#116) 15,306$22,407,624 R m0m0m0m0
37 Game Info (#47)  Game profile 20,532$21,546,687 H EFTF
38 Shoguns Assassin (#43) 22,145$21,098,590 C MKRII
39 In The Buff (#31)  Game profile 26,522$20,774,814 H DK
40 Pretty Rickys Wify (#71) 11,854$20,198,115 I DK
41 Kammer (#57) 15,238$19,228,074 C MKR
42 vengence (#105) 9901$18,486,820 R SexyBabe
43 General (#46)  Game profile 23,947$17,734,875 R MKR3
44 PlayMyLittleGame (#25)  Game profile 16,906$17,533,775 T IX
45 Tyrion kills his father (#103)  Game profile 9761$16,921,423 D EFFT
46 Late to the party (#158) 15,010$16,100,846 FG EFTT
47 Dark Knight (#64)  Game profile 12,453$15,878,419 H DK
48 DbzIsCoolOrElse (#37) 23,101$15,615,773 F TPA2
49 Abnormalon (#102) 18,538$11,902,642 C TPA
50 Horseballoon (#107) 21,081$11,815,449 R EFTF
51 TBP (#86) 21,899$11,776,745 C IX2
52 Rump Shot Earp (#100) 14,896$11,119,182 D JfA
53 cloud99 precinct88 (#96) 17,278$11,083,565 T ETFT
54 KSFforever (#21) 22,396$10,196,925 C LoTxWOLF
55 Blessed Are The Sick (#49) 12,505$9,951,111 I LoTxWOLF
56 Boltard Wants Battle (#70) 16,445$9,757,445 T WarPigs
57 trick or treat (#101)  Game profile 10,162$8,268,355 F ETFT
58 my nuts itch (#117) 9765$8,092,175 I IX
59 Hit em up (#78) 13,983$7,567,744 T WarPigs
60 Fire and Blood (#84) 12,980$7,502,385 I MKRII
61 Why (#50) 12,294$7,266,009 C JfA
62 neversilence (#10)  Game profile 11,300$7,045,073 C MKR3
63 K U N O I C H I (#80)  Game profile 11,377$7,012,167 HG WolfPack
64 Sir HitsaLot (#36) 9399$6,528,680 T WarPigs
65 (#63) 16,521$6,517,463 I Imag
66 m0m0s cant read (#7) 21,498$6,071,475 D m0m0
67 Crucible of NoX (#172) 10,689$5,485,296 T NoX
68 llaar (#3) 17,531$4,927,485 T SexyBabe
69 Angela White (#23) 7133$4,352,774 T iMagNum1
70 Blood Lust (#53) 12,725$4,287,326 C iMag3
71 iMag1 (#95) 6694$3,492,031 I iMagNum1
72 I was promised netting damnit (#178) 7429$3,266,076 T NoX
73 land of free CUZ of the brave (#175) 10,100$3,216,432 T WarPigs
74 Spontaneous (#38) 6923$3,207,780 IG PRIME
75 give us some time la (#166)  Game profile 7477$3,115,060 T NoX
76 Enterprise NOX01 (#171)  Game profile 9421$2,940,619 C NoX
77 Team Needed (#62)  Game profile 17,616$2,839,605 C IX2
78 Fast (#30) 4898$2,824,246 R TPA3
79 mrsfords time of the month (#118)  Game profile 8719$2,640,537 C MKRII
80 Team Boltar (#9)  Game profile 9055$2,286,098 C LoC
81 Imaginary Nation (#74) 9733$2,207,163 T iMagNum1
82 Sterlington (#146) 3528$2,157,393 CG  
83 Audi R8 (#134) 5529$2,151,312 C TPA2
84 Some People Call Me TIM (#19)  Game profile 4245$2,099,384 T FBI
85 m0m0 Rage Quitter 101 (#148) 8922$1,997,995 T iMagNum1
86 Happy Chappy (#170) 8692$1,972,679 F NoX
87 EmpirE (#164) 9149$1,943,678 FG  
88 High five (#154) 9318$1,787,742 T MKRII
89 Sheep is back (#155) 4484$1,706,745 C JUDGES
90 This isnt FFA u wont survive now (#199) 4714$1,701,407 T WarPigs
91 DRUNKEN RESTART sad i tell you (#185) 6080$1,432,462 H JUDGES
92 Mine (#173) 8139$1,405,896 R  
93 You need more training (#187) 4008$1,392,741 I  
94 Electro Gonorrhea (#136)  Game profile 3974$1,222,739 T BknArrow
95 NOOOOOOOO (#193) 7850$1,153,476 R MKR3
96 m0m0 stands for Warner (#13)  Game profile 5107$1,142,359 HG m0m0
97 The Technocracy (#35) 5208$1,014,502 C JfA
98 Legend (#127) 4320$1,006,178 M JfA
99 IX Sheep (#196) 5524$983,406 H JUDGES
100 iNetgain or Die (#52) 7002$955,328 F Imag

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