Active countries: 2446
Currently Logged in: 188
Currently Logged in: 188
Top Players - Tournament
Next Reset | 172nd round: Jul 01, 2024 - Jul 30, 2024 | Prev Reset |
Jump to Current Reset |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There were 17 countries in game A the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | Happiest Time of the Year (#14) | 10,540 | $33,172,194 | HG |
2 | Land of Little People (#2) | 17,981 | $29,876,138 | CG |
3 | Star Wars (#4) | 17,429 | $29,773,585 | RG |
4 | Scorched Earth (#10) | 13,530 | $27,594,748 | RG |
5 | Aggression (#17) | 13,617 | $27,518,518 | HG |
6 | llaar says join M4D in alliance (#16) | 19,324 | $24,133,971 | HG |
7 | Rattlehead (#3) | 10,560 | $22,961,033 | RG |
8 | UgolinoII (#1) | 15,382 | $22,505,815 | RG |
9 | Cat (#15) | 10,321 | $21,796,192 | HG |
10 | Lagger (#6) | 19,147 | $21,502,469 | FG |
There were 29 countries in game B the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | NewNationPewpewpew (#2) | 13,868 | $22,860,664 | RG |
2 | Fallen Angels Taz (#20) | 16,532 | $21,261,881 | RG |
3 | Not Today (#12) | 16,522 | $16,733,138 | CG |
4 | HearTheWhistleFromMyMissleRetal (#10) | 7874 | $13,771,473 | DG |
5 | Arise (#5) | 9247 | $13,606,333 | IG |
6 | Wolfee (#11) | 10,582 | $11,878,183 | CG |
7 | xWATARUxMDx (#15) | 11,558 | $11,406,306 | DG |
8 | Land of the Kings (#4) | 3884 | $10,399,514 | HG |
9 | Pilot G2 (#13) | 8343 | $8,251,690 | DG |
10 | Obsidian (#14) | 11,080 | $6,397,689 | MG |
There were 30 countries in game C the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | 3rd Special Forces Group (#13) | 20,459 | $36,090,637 | RG |
2 | builtforwar (#10) | 17,728 | $22,311,721 | FG |
3 | Tyri (#8) | 18,830 | $19,941,588 | CG |
4 | BiBiGoN (#20) | 8416 | $15,549,393 | DG |
5 | Caldonia (#12) | 12,855 | $15,458,121 | RG |
6 | The Forgotten (#7) | 15,114 | $13,222,162 | CG |
7 | BackToTry (#19) | 14,584 | $10,129,149 | RG |
8 | PrimeTime (#9) | 10,163 | $9,943,188 | CG |
9 | I dont know (#1) | 11,022 | $9,910,211 | DG |
10 | Chonistan (#14) | 11,198 | $7,401,369 | CG |