Active countries: 2520
Currently Logged in: 179
Currently Logged in: 179
Top Players - Tournament
Next Reset | Ninety-third round: Dec 01, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017 | Prev Reset |
Jump to Current Reset |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There were 39 countries in game A the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | S t a l k e r (#19) | 14,195 | $30,215,179 | CG |
2 | Never (#14) | 13,195 | $27,427,396 | RG |
3 | Land of Little People (#12) | 7126 | $26,297,917 | DG |
4 | Zorp (#17) | 7500 | $25,000,000 | DG |
5 | AmazingGrace (#34) | 14,406 | $24,525,514 | CG |
6 | Utopia (#36) | 17,219 | $21,869,717 | DG |
7 | McCountry (#16) | 13,212 | $20,903,204 | RG |
8 | vcraig (#22) | 13,114 | $20,636,422 | DG |
9 | Bob (#2) | 9933 | $20,571,579 | RG |
10 | C R O A T I A (#21) | 7621 | $19,809,297 | HG |
There were 73 countries in game B the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | A small pile of rocks (#24) | 15,013 | $15,258,539 | CG |
2 | Ho ho ho (#13) | 10,101 | $14,022,357 | RG |
3 | Face Wrecker 20 (#9) | 20,425 | $13,329,156 | RG |
4 | FlatTire (#30) | 16,248 | $12,824,289 | FG |
5 | KADCOMBOYZ (#36) | 7142 | $11,524,755 | RG |
6 | ArOOstOOk (#16) | 8536 | $9,765,166 | DG |
7 | xWATARUxMDx (#19) | 4750 | $8,826,535 | DG |
8 | serra ab comme de la merde (#15) | 10,344 | $7,645,253 | RG |
9 | Vulture Capitalists Inc (#25) | 9891 | $6,847,798 | DG |
10 | hemorrhoid cream (#10) | 9073 | $6,594,931 | RG |
There were 76 countries in game C the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | You have no balls (#12) | 15,443 | $21,556,550 | CG |
2 | Theo rainbow ftw (#23) | 10,820 | $15,703,631 | HG |
3 | Pallet is a Tard (#10) | 11,110 | $12,241,120 | RG |
4 | TaliWali (#14) | 9744 | $11,215,556 | RG |
5 | HatchetUnderground (#1) | 8959 | $8,611,758 | FG |
6 | Demo (#13) | 9670 | $7,476,332 | DG |
7 | KIRK (#4) | 9731 | $7,039,664 | CG |
8 | sunnyvale trailer park (#3) | 14,553 | $6,195,287 | MG |
9 | Bitter Revenge (#22) | 7386 | $6,137,880 | RG |
10 | Miletus (#32) | 11,119 | $5,190,983 | RG |