Active countries: 2484
Currently Logged in: 199
Currently Logged in: 199
Top Players - Tournament
Next Reset | Ninety-eighth round: May 02, 2018 - Jun 01, 2018 | Prev Reset |
Jump to Current Reset |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There were 29 countries in game A the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | McCountry (#12) | 14,733 | $27,886,324 | RG |
2 | S t a l k e r (#20) | 17,128 | $26,710,851 | CG |
3 | Never (#14) | 12,643 | $26,283,957 | RG |
4 | jefffeagles (#22) | 15,281 | $25,303,787 | RG |
5 | sometimes I wonder (#1) | 13,555 | $25,129,524 | CG |
6 | serra ab comme de la merde (#8) | 15,032 | $24,273,531 | CG |
7 | Land of Little People (#4) | 6707 | $23,454,454 | DG |
8 | AmazingGrace (#23) | 14,502 | $18,685,436 | CG |
9 | STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#2) | 19,064 | $17,381,832 | TG |
10 | TaliWali (#11) | 10,422 | $16,642,240 | RG |
There were 68 countries in game B the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | Zod (#27) | 12,536 | $26,401,583 | RG |
2 | HAL (#10) | 12,542 | $12,777,468 | CG |
3 | back for more (#5) | 17,626 | $11,070,217 | DG |
4 | Kirk (#23) | 10,253 | $9,945,260 | CG |
5 | Svinpels (#12) | 13,680 | $8,048,191 | CG |
6 | M A J U L A H (#15) | 13,191 | $7,772,786 | CG |
7 | Manhattan Project (#3) | 10,494 | $6,885,936 | RG |
8 | Grinchville (#25) | 10,010 | $5,931,720 | CG |
9 | IWishIWasGodTier (#6) | 5484 | $5,144,000 | FG |
10 | home alone (#20) | 12,109 | $4,798,324 | CG |
There were 67 countries in game C the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | MakeDamnSure (#7) | 9705 | $14,550,786 | HG |
2 | SevenEightNine (#14) | 9809 | $12,906,483 | HG |
3 | Nisseland (#11) | 8120 | $9,395,518 | HG |
4 | Octopussoir (#27) | 12,764 | $8,277,837 | FG |
5 | Boltastan (#24) | 8808 | $8,221,997 | HG |
6 | Skip (#21) | 12,248 | $7,800,724 | HG |
7 | ArOOstOOk (#3) | 9154 | $7,794,165 | DG |
8 | Pitman (#31) | 12,504 | $6,773,272 | CG |
9 | Solaris (#18) | 6435 | $6,264,535 | FG |
10 | FlyingTurns (#15) | 9556 | $6,130,729 | IG |