
mrford Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 18:49:41

I'm game
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Feb 20th 2011, 0:24:47

It's not the disagreement that makes you stupid. It's the outrageous opinions with unconscionable logic that makes you stupid.

NCAA brackets are too much of a fluff shoot to put more than a few bucks on (and that is coming from someone that won the Earth bracket one year).

mrford Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 0:41:00

Damn, you really are a fluff master.

I'm really glad you think I'm stupid because I dissagree with you. You have showed your masterful debate skills. YOUR STUPID SO IM RIGHT. Don't you have a hole to crawl back into? Or espn/rival forums to go troll? I'm supprised you havnt been banned from those with your outrageous magnatism to personal insults.

MSU is crap, they can walk all the way to the dance but they can never get the girl, they choke every time. Who cares if they get there every year if they don't do anything about it. No one cares about the runner up, much less the eternal 4th place.

If you don't think that way, then good for you, I'm secure enough that I don't have to yell about your intelegence at the top of my lungs in a vain attempt to draw attention to me and my view point.

Have a nice day, I hope that sharp stick in your ass doesn't hurt too much.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Shinigami Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 5:34:05

Fordy! Stop feeding the troll!


TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 21st 2011, 4:07:01

ACC is so underranked. Duke deserves to be #1 again tomorrow. But they won't be. UNC should be top 15 and I doubt that'll happen either. FSU should be in the 21-25 range but we won't even be close. It's absolutely ridiculous how much haterade the media is drinking regarding the ACC just because the #3 and #4 teams arent NC State and Wake.
Smarter than your average bear.

mrford Game profile


Feb 21st 2011, 15:33:47

NC State needs to fire Lowe yesterday

the man has run that program into the ground
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

ld Game profile


Feb 21st 2011, 16:03:04

i miss NCState and Wake. I'm a big wake fan and grew up very close to campus. I think Duke should be number 1 but I think it is hard to say Carolina should be top 15 with 6 losses (some to not so good teams)

Shinigami Game profile


Feb 21st 2011, 20:02:14

Duke will probably be #1 but I'm not sure I'd not have kept Ohio St there myself. Duke lost to unranked FSU and unranked St. Johns. Kansas lost to top 5 ranked Texas, but also unranked K-State. Ohio St lost to top 15 ranked teams in Wisconsin and Purdue.

All three should be number 1 seeds though so it's really kind of a moot discussion.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 21st 2011, 21:38:51

Shinigami: You sound like Gary Parrish who has a massive boner for the SEC and a huge amount of hatred for Florida State for some reason. FSU isn't a bad loss for Duke. FSU is a top 50 RPI team that's 9-3 in the ACC and 2 games up on the next team behind them. They've finished #4 and #3 the past two seasons in the ACC and gotten a #5 and #9 seed as well. The media just likes to hate on them because we don't put up a lot of points and despite us playing the best defense in the nation and are on pace to set the all time field goal % defense for a season in NCAA history, defense isn't sexy. St Johns also just beat Pittsburgh who everyone thinks should be a 1 because they are dominating the Big Least. Duke should be #1 until Duke loses again (which they will). OSU/Texas will move back up then assuming THEY take care of business.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 21st 2011, 21:51:25

While I'm on my FSU soapbox what is the difference between UNC and FSU aside from UNC beating FSU @ UNC's arena?

FSU 19-7
UNC 20-6

Relavent wins
FSU Beat #1 Duke, vs Baylor
UNC beat #18 Kentucky, Florida State (we are their next best win)

Bad Losses:

FSU: @Auburn
UNC: @Georgia Tech, Minnesota is now looking very questionable as as well losing 5 on last 6 and sitting at 6-8 in conference but we'll leave that off for now.

So what is the REAL difference between these two teams that makes UNC #17 and a virtual lock and FSU getting 4 votes in one poll and still needing to do work to get in aside from the fact that one team did it with offense and one did it with defense?

BTW just a crazy fact that is unlikely to happen but if it did would turn the league upside down. If FSU, UNC and Duke ended the season tied at 13-3 FSU would be the #1 seed, UNC #2 and Duke #3
Smarter than your average bear.

Shinigami Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 1:13:12

I'm already on record saying the SEC has only earned 3 bids, maybe a 4th.

I'm also on record saying I'd love for FSU to do well and make the tournament.

As far as your question goes...

UNC - RPI .6350 and SoS 12
FSU - RPI .5806 and SoS 102

And also, unfair though it may be, they are UNC and you are FSU. They will always get the benifit of the doubt over you.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 1:25:37

So the difference is the RPI which is a product of UNC playing (and losing to) a ton of good teams OOC? You realize that's not actually a substantive difference right? :P It's also the excuse that Michigan St and Tennessee are using to try and get IN to the tournament and it shouldnt work for them either. Losing to great teams is still losing :P
Smarter than your average bear.

mrford Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 2:24:40

Are you really trying to say that FSU and UNC are the exact same this year? That UNC doesn't belong in the tourny, much less the top 25?

There is a flufffluff more to a team than record. 3 of UNCs losses came in the very beginning of the season, and 5 of them came with that flufffluff Larry drew as point guard

UNC isn't the same team, and I think you know this, you are just trying to be a fluff
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

BobbyATA Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 2:33:55

imo thats pretty shocking that UNC's SoS is 12. Their ooc schedule certainly wasn't weak but it wasn't the insanely difficult schedule i would have expected an ACC team would need to play to make up for game after game against non RPI t100 in conference...

TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 3:34:06

So you are invoking the "eye test". Im actually not bashing UNC. I think they SHOULD be top 25. I'm merely contrasting how differently two teams are perceived when they both have near identical profiles. And getting up on my soapbox as the FSU fans generally view ourselves as the Rodney Dangerfield of the NCAA because we are consistantly asked to do much more then other teams, even in the same conference, in order to garner the same respect.

But enough of that. I have NEVER understood why teams who play tough schedules are rewarded for LOSING all of those games. If you play 10 top 10 teams and go 1-9 that shows you suck. The benefit of the doubt should come into play if a team goes 4-6 or 5-5 but has a lot of losses due to the tough schedule. And then you have to not have horrible losses to go with those good wins *looks at Tennessee*
Smarter than your average bear.

Deerhunter Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 4:01:28

Wait, this thread is about a bunch of Dudes, watching Dudes, in short shorts and skimpy shirts running around bumping each other and grabbing their asses right? Ya, not for me. I will leave all the homo sports to those who love them. Different strokes for different folks. And no i am not gay bashing you guys. I do not care that you watch Basket Ball right before Broke Back Mountain. I think that is great. It's just not for me.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

mrford Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 4:07:49

What a fluffing retard

this isn't the 50s

basketball is one of, if not the most, dynamic sport on the planet.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Deerhunter Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 4:11:26

last time i checked it basically has guys putting a ball in a hoop, which they can simply jump up and drop it in. Not much skill in that. But hey, whatever firms you up.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 4:14:54

And what sport is manly enough for you Deerhunter?
Smarter than your average bear.

mrford Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 4:15:40

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously when you attempt to make a real thought out post.

You are a troll, and your idiocracy is only surpassed for your worthless talent for making over simplifications and generalizations.

What would you say is a "real sport" Forget for a moment that basketball is global and is also an Olympic sport.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 4:19:16

Deerhunter is from SOL right? That would probably explain his colossal fluff taconess.
Smarter than your average bear.

Deerhunter Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 4:26:21

Curling is a great sport requiring teamwork, strategy, and coordination.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

mrford Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 4:29:09

Your trolling isn't even remotely entertaining.

Go away, take a break, regroup, and try a little harder next time. Your little fluff like current efforts are only serving to embarass yourself. You hate to see it.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Shinigami Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 14:52:12

I realize that there is a hole in the troll quota of the boards at the moment but seriously, you really aren't very good at it.

I think looking at which teams a team has lost to is useful in a tie breaking sense but yeah, it does sort of break down when you use it for ranking.

Tennessee getting in the tourney is a joke, and not a funny one either.



Feb 22nd 2011, 15:32:53

Originally posted by mrford:
Damn, you really are a fluff master.


I'm supprised you havnt been banned from those with your outrageous magnatism to personal insults.

Not only are you stupid, but you are also a gigantic hypocrite. NICE! Is there an ignore button on this board? Just ignoring your posts would make this a cogent and readable thread. Also, you are ESL right? At least, I hope so. Christ almighty. I know it's passe to be a grammar Nazi, but it's really tough to read a post that A) is completely illogical and devoid of any rational thought and B) has the composition of a 2nd grader with Downs. I know my run-on sentences are shameful, but come on man. If grammar were the World Trade Centers, your posts would be the planes that crashed into them.

Watching Tennessee go down in flames under Bruce Pearl gives me nothing short of a raging hard-on. One of the worst "men" in college basketball. I cannot count the ways in which that scumbag deserves to DIAF. Tennessee should be ashamed of themselves for hiring him and then not having the BALLS to fire him. Pearl should suck Jim O'brien off, because that is the ONLY reason he hasn't gotten fluffcanned already.

Edited By: raves on Feb 22nd 2011, 15:35:20
See Original Post

mrford Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 22:02:24

John Calipari is still a head coach in the NCAA and you are claiming that Bruce Pearl is the most worthless "man" in college basketball?

Stupid is as stupid does I guess.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Shinigami Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 22:26:34

Originally posted by mrford:
John Calipari is still a head coach in the NCAA and you are claiming that Bruce Pearl is the most worthless "man" in college basketball?

Stupid is as stupid does I guess.

The idea of Kentucky getting in a fluff load of trouble when they get investigated after he runs off to the next gig does give me major wood.



Feb 23rd 2011, 14:32:56

Originally posted by mrford:
John Calipari is still a head coach in the NCAA and you are claiming that Bruce Pearl is the most worthless "man" in college basketball?

Stupid is as stupid does I guess.

You seriously have exactly zero reading comprehension. Here is my quote:

"One of the worst 'men' in college basketball."

One of. One of. One of. Not "the worst." One of. One of. One of. You are genuinely fluffing stupid.

Calipiri, Calhoun, Pearl et al. One of. One of. One of.

No one answered my question in regards to an ignore button. I'm too lazy to look for myself.

BobbyATA Game profile


Feb 23rd 2011, 15:22:53

FSU/Maryland tonight. Must win for Maryland, pretty close for FSU. BTW I just realized that 2 of the four play in games are between the last four at large teams. I thought all the play in games were between 16 seeds. I wonder how many other people assumed this. That seems stupid as hell imo, it destroys much of the nice symmetry of the tournament.

mrford Game profile


Feb 23rd 2011, 15:38:05

Originally posted by raves:
Originally posted by mrford:
John Calipari is still a head coach in the NCAA and you are claiming that Bruce Pearl is the most worthless "man" in college basketball?

Stupid is as stupid does I guess.

You seriously have exactly zero reading comprehension. Here is my quote:

"One of the worst 'men' in college basketball."

One of. One of. One of. Not "the worst." One of. One of. One of. You are genuinely fluffing stupid.

Calipiri, Calhoun, Pearl et al. One of. One of. One of.

No one answered my question in regards to an ignore button. I'm too lazy to look for myself.

what an angry little man. It's kind of cute.

Just stop responding if you hate me so much because of my sports opinions. But I suspect that you truly do not wish to put me on ignore, you are just attention whoring, hoping to get a rise out of me and others.

I do have to ask, why so angry? The Internet is pretty serious business, I'm sure you know. Is your fluff really that small? Do you have a wife that is that large of a imasculating fluff? Whatever it is that makes you feel so small I assure you it is not my fault.

So either way, I find your Napoleon complex extremely entertaining, please keep it up. I am extremely curious as to exactly how stupid I truly am! Can you please explain it in more detail? I am too stupid to understand obviously.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Feb 23rd 2011, 17:14:52

Originally posted by mrford:
hoping to get a rise out of me and others.

Nope, I would never do that. And I haven't gotten any sort of those responses in this thread. I know nothing of which you speak.

Speaking of Maryland/FSU, I'll be there tonight. Go Terps! Help Illinois' SOS ;-)

TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 23rd 2011, 18:08:44

It's a big game for FSU as well. A win for FSU tonight would mathematically clinch a first round ACC Tournament bye. It also would pretty much make FSU a lock for the tournament and would likely move them into the low 8 high 7 range for seeding in the NCAAT
Smarter than your average bear.

trumper Game profile


Feb 23rd 2011, 21:18:29

TOM as an ACC fan we deserve no more than 4 bids. And yes, it would be Duke, UNC and then FSU with couple potentials for 4th. The big dance is all about consistency and so Duke has a fighting chance, UNC maybe can make it to the elite 8 and that's about it. FSU could stun someone, but they would lose the next game. The other ACC schools could easily be knocked out in the first round. I hate saying it, but we're not that good this year. The Big East is a monster conference this year. Have you seen Kimbe or whatever his name is at UCONN?

TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 23rd 2011, 23:04:42

I've written up some long stuff on the BE for various pundits. They were saying the EXACT SAME THING about the BE last year. The BE got 8 teams in all except one were favored seeds (Louisville as a 9). 6 of the 8 BE teams lost in the first weekend to teams seeded 8 or lower. Of the remaining two BE teams West Virginia made the final four by beating three double digit seeds before playing Kentucky and were then crushed by 30 points by Duke. Syracuse didn't come close to the Final Four and was the first 1 seed eliminated from the tournament. So I'm not on the "monster conference" bandwagon.
Smarter than your average bear.

mrford Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 0:29:13

like i was saying when raves got so anal, Mich St and the BE are choke artists!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 4:06:42

Jesus crist Barnes, could you be more streakey? Thanks for being a boss for us down the stretch for us in the psudo rivalry game tonight, but tale of 2 halves is an understatment for you not only in this game, but the entire season.

Tonight, he was 0-6 with 2 points in the first half, and 6-11 with 14 points in the seccond half

WTF mang! NC State never should of hung around that long.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

BobbyATA Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 4:17:58

terps win!

mrford Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 4:19:33

Poor orkin
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Shinigami Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 6:09:23




Feb 24th 2011, 13:30:02

I sat 6 rows behind the FSU bench. What a lovely win. Orkin in pain and helps Illinois' SOS! How lovely.

mrford Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 13:32:16

Illinois fan? Is that why you are such a fluff? Still mad about 05?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

trumper Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 14:29:37

I wish I could've gone last night, if only to take pictures to send to TOM. Too busy with work :(.

TOM--I agree the BE choked last year. But you didn't see me saying they would win it all then. In fact, I won a little under $1k in different pools by playing Duke to win it all (tremendous pyschological pain picking an arch-rival).

This year I think the BE is very very good. I would say a midpack team in the Big East like Georgetown is strong noting that they beat down Missouri early in the season. Lowpack St. John's Red Storm took down Duke. This is not a walkover conference at all this year. Unranked Uconn jumepd into the rankings.

The Big East's advantage this year is in some solid players with good benches along with their traditional good coaching--Boeheim, Calhoun, etc. Their disadvantage is inconsistency (but nothing like ACC inconsistency). I think some teams like Syracuse already took their beatings and can win out. When MD won it all, we had a few down's important to take some losses.

That said, I think Duke can run the tables again. I do not think OSU is worth it's title on paper. West coast is fairly weak (as usual).

trumper Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 14:29:47




Feb 24th 2011, 19:05:35

Originally posted by trumper:
along with their traditional good coaching--Boeheim, Calhoun, etc.

Boeheim is a huge whiner and Calhoun is a convicted cheater. It's too bad they just slapped him on the wrist.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 19:07:28

Yeah it was a must win game for the Terps and they played like it. FSU actually came out to start teh game guns blazing which is uncharacteristic of us. Maryland made a lot of REALLY hard contested shots that game and got a few ridiculous Greg Paulus-esque charge calls in the second half ;)

Hope you can translate that into an NCAAT bid because right now it's looking like MD is the only hope the ACC has of a 4th team as Clemson/BC/Va Tech all play each other and will likely eliminate each other from contention. If you guys beat UNC this weekend you'll have a legit shot as the 4th ACC team.
Smarter than your average bear.

BobbyATA Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 19:21:02

I dunno ACC could get anywhere from 2-6 teams in. FSU/MD/Va tech and Clemson are all solidly on the bubble right now, and they dont' play each other again except for the Clemson/Va. Tech game.

FSU would be in much better position but the injury to singleton, I dunno they def have to win 2 of their next 4 (the 4th game being first one in acc tournament) imo. That's probably enough tho...

TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 19:37:50

Singleton will definitely be back for NCAAs and possibly for ACCT
Smarter than your average bear.

trumper Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 20:58:51

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Singleton will definitely be back for NCAAs and possibly for ACCT

Really? Well... I wouldn't put it past a Dukey trying to step on that foot if he plays in AACT.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 22:13:53

Yeah his surgery was single day outpatient surgery the Monday after the injury. It's not nearly as bad as it was first reported, turned out to only be a partial fracture. He's already walking around without any sort of boot/cast/brace etc... just fine. He just cant put any major stress on it probably until after next weekend.
Smarter than your average bear.

mrford Game profile


Feb 25th 2011, 2:50:14

Lawson played the Duke/Carolina game and the ACC tourny on a fluffed big toe. I remember there being a massive stink about it, yet he remained explosive as fluff and got that championship
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford