Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2485
Currently Logged in: 191

Alliance Clan: RomexEly (RomexEly)

First round: Dec 09, 2009 - Jan 31, 2010
Clan Standings
Membership Rank13 of 41
Total Networth Rank12 of 41
Average Networth Rank8 of 41
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
30 FREEDOMs AER Korps (#377) 20,109$53,000,000 DG
33 zipper ass kicker (#608)  Game profile 7973$52,334,789 HG
69 Locket (#134) 17,643$44,197,495 FG
89 XZeron Dominion (#58) 17,732$40,761,627 F
103 Yings THronE (#529) 17,985$38,840,635 H
108 xPRx HI PAPP HI PAPP (#749) 12,031$38,226,716 R
125 STRIKE (#710) 17,986$36,165,327 D
131 Kajar (#882) 16,699$35,123,422 R
221 Freedom for Elysium (#574)  Game profile 13,138$23,064,953 I
241 Semper FidELis Y (#673) 10,831$21,303,457 C
270 Werd Empire (#865) 15,021$18,843,678 R
280 The Atlantic Nations (#1022) 14,314$18,045,685 R
295 yepIback (#416) 12,992$16,671,101 T
303 Soulslayers retrieval (#64) 10,904$16,139,214 H
313 Gallys B00bies Under Tree (#544) 19,562$15,471,667 I
405 Camalot (#1058) 16,346$8,510,533 R
452 LastHoorah (#109)  Game profile 21,874$5,906,382 T
459 Sabine (#940) 10,770$5,440,774 I
495 Levis (#584) 12,939$4,273,697 C
576 Thunder Thunder ThunderCats HO (#982) 6444$1,453,201 C
614 TWX AOL (#1060) 5510$908,488 R
736 Conquista (#883) 998$118,633 M
791 Elysium Lives (#685) 395$30,442 R
BliZZarD with a Shotgun (#722) 1599$159,098 M
The Atlantic Nations (#976) 768$74,202 R

Total countries: 25 (Show ranked countries only)

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