Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2539
Currently Logged in: 179

Alliance Clan: You're My Boy Blue! (ResDogs)

Twenty-first round: Apr 06, 2013 - Jun 05, 2013
Homepage: http://You
Clan Standings
Membership Rank8 of 24
Total Networth Rank10 of 24
Average Networth Rank10 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
131 Uncle Drew Took You To School (#183) 43,395$60,353,150 TG
181 Herbs (#231) 23,779$33,405,029 I
198 Blackwind (#969) 43,857$29,484,978 I
293 Mr Azure (#449) 18,610$13,522,304 T
300 Reminiscence of the Abyss (#293) 3726$12,634,580 T
328 RD 4 Life (#958) 5271$9,824,827 TG
343 Revenge of RD (#1193) 7066$6,631,646 T
381 yoyoyo (#1446) 4304$3,244,248 T
382 Ms Nico Robin 6 (#1414) 8458$3,193,460 C
400 Peaceful (#1321) 2071$2,536,259 CG
404 I Like Briskets (#1426) 6148$2,348,550 TG
405 RD Ruined SoLs BBQ (#1215)  Game profile 5642$2,310,947 I
417 Eric Eazy E (#1336)  Game profile 6408$2,036,521 I
418 Go Blue (#1437) 4506$2,014,248 T
441 Desperado (#1278) 2854$1,527,890 I
451 like shaggin a pail of water (#1424)  Game profile 7451$1,351,020 RG
475 You Cant Fight Fate (#1384)  Game profile 4489$1,056,588 H
477 The Ultimate Big AsSOLe Again (#1398) 5431$1,045,731 T
487 Natsu Dragneel (#1436) 2829$934,409 C
488 One two RD is comming for you (#1463) 3969$923,491 T
491 ScreaM (#1421) 4559$914,030 I
503 Walls Of Stalingrad3 (#1454) 4278$790,340 C
504 Kutta (#1290) 5249$780,926 C
506 Fate (#1374) 5660$748,906 C
510 SOL SOiLed their pants (#1443) 3533$716,764 I
515 Cajunland (#1420) 7196$693,623 M
516 150384 (#1445)  Game profile 4544$689,144 I
518 Domtar (#1349) 4656$680,928 T
519 SoL Vanquished (#1441) 5415$673,837 T
524 MRA (#891) 2463$645,872 I
531 This is my 8th Country (#1422)  Game profile 6902$618,135 C
532 SoL Restart Killing Machine (#1392) 4703$612,654 I
536 Neds Atomic Dustbin (#1412) 3731$564,316 C
537 Ruby Argentine Dogo (#1298) 2298$554,723 T
539 Serene (#1451) 4490$524,821 F
566 White and Nerdy (#1459) 3668$373,108 M
569 Forsaken (#1372) 1451$364,176 T
573 Silly (#1390)  Game profile 1430$357,388 T
580 Mr Reseda (#1456)  Game profile 4509$341,918 T
588 SoL cant beat their grandma at E (#1383) 1781$323,287 T
624 SoLs Bad FA Policy (#1472) 4308$215,028 M

Ranked countries: 41 (Show all countries)

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