Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2454
Currently Logged in: 196

Alliance Clan: LaFamiglia (LaF)

Thirty-eighth round: Feb 07, 2016 - Apr 07, 2016
Clan Standings
Membership Rank1 of 23
Total Networth Rank1 of 23
Average Networth Rank1 of 23
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
2 Don Dangerous Dan (#18)  Game profile 12$406,243,246 HG
3 Terra Nullis (#353) 31$388,708,949 HG
4 DeathFromAbove (#35)  Game profile 77$361,458,403 HG
5 I ate the gnome (#269) 6$355,069,778 HG
7 BeE Po bEe po with DangerousDan (#138)  Game profile 7$307,229,296 HG
8 TreeMaker (#164)  Game profile 8$286,941,999 HG
9 The Cloaked since 1998 (#133)  Game profile 99$251,454,744 HG
11 DanGeRoUsDanKnOwsAnYataChEaT2WiN (#91)  Game profile 163$213,422,670 HG
14 Crimson says Stay Strong DD (#70) 11$180,705,659 HG
15 Dan The Man (#314) 70,291$166,831,891 HG
16 the triple DDeke (#306) 58$165,500,000 HG
17 Third Times A Charm DangerousDan (#31) 42$162,271,848 H
19 Valmont too Dangerous for Dan (#187)  Game profile 7$159,480,712 H
22 C R O A T I A (#248)  Game profile 91,209$150,228,610 H
25 A Frosty for Dangerous Dan (#217)  Game profile 59$144,396,980 HG
31 nekkid DD likes pies splat (#273) 60$133,154,127 H
32 The mighty clan DANger (#343)  Game profile 35,211$129,881,768 HG
36 Escaflownic Holocaust (#27)  Game profile 15$124,576,137 MG
38 Yellow snow (#272) 10$117,920,234 HG
49 HesDangerousDanTHEOneArmedMAN (#85) 20$107,924,085 HG
52 Im Indestrucable (#158) 24,904$105,539,640 H
70 Chewbacca (#219) 821$91,677,362 H
71 Destroy ISIS (#68) 2557$91,371,888 HG
74 Grinchs Dangerous Dan (#283) 7$90,304,857 HG
77 DangerousDan Symphony (#208) 24,592$86,653,414 H
87 Neal (#62) 26,965$80,226,768 H
102 KSFforever (#115) 28,234$68,675,205 F
108 Sparta (#117) 22$64,284,492 HG
109 Aturan (#244)  Game profile 11,592$63,180,748 DG
110 In Memory of Emma (#277) 10$63,098,521 H
117 oil failure (#24)  Game profile 2$58,010,012 H
137 Milk Ocean (#371) 21,043$43,000,200 H
203 Dangerous Dan NX01 (#19)  Game profile 31,286$10,076,982 F
208 CrossfitJunkie (#331) 25,311$9,313,086 FG
212 laf pie man (#279) 11,379$8,096,215 R
214 Splat (#322) 0$7,847,703 HG
257 revenitum meum (#264) 9643$3,371,956 R

Ranked countries: 37 (Show all countries)

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