Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2539
Currently Logged in: 179

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Thirty-eighth round: Feb 07, 2016 - Apr 07, 2016 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 419 countries in the Alliance server.

1 White River (#16) 20$423,067,396 HG SoF
2 Don Dangerous Dan (#18)  Game profile 12$406,243,246 HG LaF
3 Terra Nullis (#353) 31$388,708,949 HG LaF
4 DeathFromAbove (#35)  Game profile 77$361,458,403 HG LaF
5 I ate the gnome (#269) 6$355,069,778 HG LaF
6 Achernar (#202) 43,754$321,836,048 DG TheOmega
7 BeE Po bEe po with DangerousDan (#138)  Game profile 7$307,229,296 HG LaF
8 TreeMaker (#164)  Game profile 8$286,941,999 HG LaF
9 The Cloaked since 1998 (#133)  Game profile 99$251,454,744 HG LaF
10 99 Luftballons (#136) 51,207$214,330,476 HG TheOmega
11 DanGeRoUsDanKnOwsAnYataChEaT2WiN (#91)  Game profile 163$213,422,670 HG LaF
12 Cucumbers Scaring Cats (#317)  Game profile 44,550$206,185,304 HG TheOmega
13 aynata RevXwarlord cheatcode FTW (#15) 43,652$183,656,748 HG SoF
14 Crimson says Stay Strong DD (#70) 11$180,705,659 HG LaF
15 Dan The Man (#314) 70,291$166,831,891 HG LaF
16 the triple DDeke (#306) 58$165,500,000 HG LaF
17 Third Times A Charm DangerousDan (#31) 42$162,271,848 H LaF
18 PunyHumanNr1 (#190) 23,673$161,090,811 I SoF
19 Valmont too Dangerous for Dan (#187)  Game profile 7$159,480,712 H LaF
20 Old Men at Arms (#320)  Game profile 41,314$157,993,308 HG OMA
21 CH3CH2OCS2Na (#47)  Game profile 64,959$152,610,706 HG Sodium
22 C R O A T I A (#248)  Game profile 91,209$150,228,610 H LaF
23 MMMBob (#199) 32,498$149,026,755 H TheOmega
24 The Easter Buuny vs Uncle Bob (#3) 32,382$146,339,514 DG TheOmega
25 A Frosty for Dangerous Dan (#217)  Game profile 59$144,396,980 HG LaF
26 TransRectalUltraSoundTED (#230) 59,025$139,979,134 C LCNostra
27 SexEvOlution (#205) 2974$139,236,266 H EvO
28 Wintermute (#188)  Game profile 25,439$138,771,110 RG MONSTERS
29 Euphoria (#34) 39,176$134,118,758 HG EvO
30 Frosty Return (#275) 31,394$133,555,134 RG SoF
31 nekkid DD likes pies splat (#273) 60$133,154,127 H LaF
32 The mighty clan DANger (#343)  Game profile 35,211$129,881,768 HG LaF
33 ALPHAs eat Vegemite (#25) 36,038$128,366,452 H TheOmega
34 Dignity (#278) 25,101$127,474,101 D MONSTERS
35 Na2Se xy (#26)  Game profile 33,431$125,814,379 HG Sodium
36 Escaflownic Holocaust (#27)  Game profile 15$124,576,137 MG LaF
37 Bernie (#354)  Game profile 39,472$121,970,438 HG LCNostra
38 Yellow snow (#272) 10$117,920,234 HG LaF
39 Na2B4O710H2O (#326)  Game profile 131$117,708,192 HG Sodium
40 Woopiedo (#60) 34,235$115,883,297 H LCNostra
41 FOrSaKeN (#235) 121$114,205,901 HG Sodium
42 blue (#182)  Game profile 28,240$112,725,711 H LCNostra
43 sunday rendezvous (#305)  Game profile 28,663$111,825,402 HG MONSTERS
44 Xergalica (#36)  Game profile 35,207$109,965,490 F SoF
45 Na2MoO4 (#261) 83$109,765,744 H Sodium
46 99th Alpha Lion Hunter (#171) 52,353$108,878,722 T TheOmega
47 My hair it expires (#134) 16,607$108,705,162 DG TheOmega
48 (#287)  Game profile 27,505$108,035,089 H TheOmega
49 HesDangerousDanTHEOneArmedMAN (#85) 20$107,924,085 HG LaF
50 Universal SOLdier (#365) 18,647$107,741,411 D SoL
51 Bo Knows m0m0 (#241)  Game profile 352$105,615,879 H SoF
52 Im Indestrucable (#158) 24,904$105,539,640 H LaF
53 bOoBiEz R bEtTeR (#212) 30,731$104,499,756 HG SoL
54 Giant Rats Return (#414)  Game profile 60$104,463,773 HG RR
55 llaar (#13) 28,144$104,069,850 HG Sodium
56 GALLERY GOT PWNT (#9) 20,645$102,759,834 H EvO
57 dandan (#78) 20,866$101,707,509 H SoF
58 Sourcream (#126) 356$101,664,502 H TheOmega
59 Whydah Trader (#308) 28,598$98,389,270 F LCNostra
60 m0 money m0 problems (#77) 31,939$97,890,745 H SoF
61 alvin tostig has a son today (#174)  Game profile 4552$97,650,525 H LCNostra
62 Insane Multi Posse FFA (#282) 33,822$96,385,418 H SoF
63 MythUnderstood (#233) 26,313$96,363,764 R MONSTERS
64 ThisSetICanHaveRibsInPeace (#180) 30,947$94,861,666 R SoL
65 Little Butt Nugget (#151) 23,911$93,298,621 D SoL
66 Dudeist Priest (#63) 22,062$93,089,038 HG TheOmega
67 Gon SOL 99 (#88) 15,363$92,716,383 D SoL
68 Beach Bums (#96) 30,182$92,222,965 FG EvO
69 mystic empire (#139) 13,902$92,192,929 H Sodium
70 Chewbacca (#219) 821$91,677,362 H LaF
71 Destroy ISIS (#68) 2557$91,371,888 HG LaF
72 TipDaVampire (#195)  Game profile 54,610$91,348,972 H SoF
73 Have a beer (#364) 32,002$90,961,669 R MONSTERS
74 Grinchs Dangerous Dan (#283) 7$90,304,857 HG LaF
75 zzzSB50zzz (#311) 37,443$88,915,410 H EvO
76 NaCl (#330) 72$88,353,710 HG Sodium
77 DangerousDan Symphony (#208) 24,592$86,653,414 H LaF
78 AddieRemi (#372)  Game profile 24,518$86,214,703 R MONSTERS
79 Duncan MacLeod The Highlander (#213) 20,992$84,738,616 F SoF
80 Advocate of Light (#321) 33,677$84,732,471 R LCNostra
81 sommertider (#37) 20,184$84,586,475 H SoL
82 ghost town (#170) 17,547$82,870,579 D SoL
83 Buckminsterfullerene (#348) 22,903$82,623,056 H Sodium
84 RaNAsmurfin (#39) 38,011$82,057,004 D Sodium
85 k3ntGonzoDukeGaspy4eva (#236) 22,713$81,025,085 D SoL
86 Licensed to Huggle (#304)  Game profile 11,218$80,436,100 D SoL
87 Neal (#62) 26,965$80,226,768 H LaF
88 The good old days (#86) 26,780$76,709,565 CG Paradigm
89 Petoria (#99) 36,497$76,572,562 D SoL
90 Arrowtopknot (#40)  Game profile 16,907$76,511,127 H SoF
91 Still Here (#280)  Game profile 7889$76,239,947 F LCNostra
92 Terps (#369) 24,247$75,703,701 D LCNostra
93 Dub Nation Decimation (#102) 53,737$75,000,000 R SoF
94 WARBEAST (#80) 33,739$74,115,273 D Sodium
95 growing up Nostra (#74) 20,737$73,803,332 D LCNostra
96 AZAZEL (#246) 14,151$73,624,444 H OMA
97 Azdaja (#109) 21,179$73,393,158 R SoF
98 Remember DrGonzo (#315) 20,711$71,956,177 H SoL
99 Nonsensical Monsters (#251) 31,137$69,527,463 D MONSTERS
100 Road Runner (#167) 13,019$68,938,682 D Sodium

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