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Top Clans - Alliance
Next Reset | Forty-fifth round: Apr 09, 2017 - Jun 08, 2017 | Prev Reset |
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Top 25 (out of 28) clans ranked by average networth | |||||
Name | Tag | Members | Total Worth | Avg Worth | GDI |
Sons of Liberty | SOL | 15 | $1,003,760,545 | $66,917,370 | |
Bow Down to MD | Bow2MD | 2 | $109,700,894 | $10,970,089 | |
Moral Decay | MD100 | 50 | $474,416,316 | $9,488,326 | |
EVOLUTION | EVOchem3 | 4 | $72,589,888 | $7,258,989 | |
Real Everyday Dictators | RED | 4 | $63,437,478 | $6,343,748 | |
STONES | STONES | 9 | $51,806,695 | $5,180,670 | |
LaFamiglia | LaF | 9 | $46,457,708 | $4,645,771 | |
SoF and Elders | SoFElder | 22 | $93,352,587 | $4,243,299 | |
Monsters | MONSTERS | 5 | $33,722,740 | $3,372,274 | |
Respect To MD | LoveUMD | 2 | $32,247,469 | $3,224,747 | |
Netters Anonymous | xNAx | 1 | $32,142,439 | $3,214,244 | |
Server vs dbags | ServerVS | 16 | $50,812,292 | $3,175,768 | |
Omega | OMEGA | 5 | $29,938,712 | $2,993,871 | |
primal | prime | 1 | $24,452,578 | $2,445,258 | |
La Cosa Nostra | LCNostra | 5 | $21,269,894 | $2,126,989 | |
Moral Decay | MD | 4 | $19,615,092 | $1,961,509 | |
OMA | OMA | 3 | $16,841,897 | $1,684,190 | |
Paradigm | Paradigm | 2 | $14,881,383 | $1,488,138 | |
iMagNum | iMagNum | 4 | $14,690,051 | $1,469,005 | |
RAGE | RAGE | 4 | $14,130,552 | $1,413,055 | |
peanut butter and jelly | sandwich | 1 | $12,202,209 | $1,220,221 | |
Ivan and Syko like little boys | ISLB | 1 | $1,120,983 | $112,098 | |
The Walking Dead | TWD | 2 | $910,422 | $91,042 | |
SiN | SiN | 1 | $647,030 | $64,703 | |
StrikeBrigadeOps | SBO | 1 | $87,351 | $8735 |