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Top Clans - Alliance
Next Reset | Sixty-fourth round: Jun 11, 2020 - Aug 10, 2020 | Prev Reset |
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Top 21 (out of 21) clans ranked by member count | |||||
Name | Tag | Members | Total Worth | Avg Worth | GDI |
LaFamiglia | LaF | 33 | $8,119,035,542 | $246,031,380 | |
Sons of Liberty | SoL | 29 | $337,508,191 | $11,638,213 | |
The MONSTERS | MONSTERS | 15 | $4,360,673,780 | $290,711,585 | |
RAGE | RAGE | 12 | $63,866,706 | $5,322,226 | |
Survival of The Fittest | SoF | 11 | $1,644,113,577 | $149,464,871 | |
Mercenaries for Hire | Mercs | 10 | $37,837,423 | $3,783,742 | |
STONES | STONES | 9 | $33,255,727 | $3,325,573 | |
EVOLUTION | EVOtmac | 8 | $844,032,840 | $84,403,284 | |
La Famiglia War | xLaFx | 7 | $243,642,877 | $24,364,288 | |
HERO | HERO | 6 | $888,191,019 | $88,819,102 | |
The Omega | Omega | 4 | $686,200,948 | $68,620,095 | |
Paradigm | Paradigm | 4 | $640,380,097 | $64,038,010 | |
The Brotherhood of Man Bros | TheBOMB | 2 | $419,777,777 | $41,977,778 | |
Missile Retals | Missile | 1 | $55,065,251 | $5,506,525 | |
Crazy Old Drunken Squirrel(s) | CODS | 1 | $6517 | $652 | |
Solo | Solo | 1 | $8,974,056 | $897,406 | |
Imaginary Numbers | iMagNum | 1 | $23,991,222 | $2,399,122 | |
J. Wales and Company | JWalesCo | 1 | $32,175,989 | $3,217,599 | |
Obsidian Order Alliance | OOA | 1 | $55,111 | $5511 | |
Moral Decay | MD | 1 | $4717 | $472 | |
AzN Dynasty | AzN | 1 | $4717 | $472 |