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Top Clans - Cooperation

Current round: Jul 31, 2024 - N/A Prev Reset

Top 22 (out of 22) clans ranked by member count
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Netters Anonymous Sodium 20 $831,752,574 $41,587,629
LaFamiglia LaF 17 $1,763,554,795 $103,738,517
Sexy Kinky Athletes SKA 12 $1,503,270,101 $125,272,508
Evolution Evo 6 $143,268,534 $23,878,089
Friends of Sonak Fros 6 $11,622,784 $1,937,131
PewPew PewPew 5 $125,622,027 $25,124,405
Loner Lnr 5 $33,601,705 $6,720,341
The Cartel Cartel 4 $29,651,444 $7,412,861
FDFDDF FDFDFD3 2 $187,733 $93,867
Kingsman Kingsman 2 $92,771,428 $46,385,714
OBEY OBEY 2 $130,483,146 $65,241,573
rizz rizz 1 $5617 $5617
- TAWNN 1 $10,967,736 $10,967,736
Pandora Last Vikings PANLV 1 $24,949,197 $24,949,197
Nutty clan NUTTY 1 $5617 $5617
Nuclear Power NP 1 $55,551,135 $55,551,135
All By Myself ABMxSOLO 1 $5,613,352 $5,613,352
Link Link 1 $77,081,727 $77,081,727
JustForMe JFM 1 $2,788,399 $2,788,399
OnlyHons HONS 1 $5617 $5617
brass brass 1 $82,399 $82,399
WILD BUNCH WB 1 $1,487,142 $1,487,142

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