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Active countries: 2444
Currently Logged in: 195

Top Players - Express

Next Reset Fourteenth round: Mar 02, 2010 - Mar 09, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 177 countries in the Express server.

1 Meriton (#14) 14,780$28,727,503 RG
2 Blindside Industries Inc (#70) 11,641$20,350,218 RG
3 EaL naM eCI (#120) 8460$18,932,337 HG
4 Soup of the Day (#5)  Game profile 14,390$16,582,396 RG
5 Who Flung Poo (#17) 4937$16,270,787 HG
6 Dance This Mess Around (#99) 14,256$16,041,317 RG
7 Tripptophan (#26)  Game profile 15,556$14,855,954 C
8 Would you hit my boobies (#89) 10,096$14,225,674 H
9 sjukhuset (#110) 9008$14,196,443 R
10 No clue why i am playing again (#129)  Game profile 5932$14,036,645 HG
11 christine (#53) 8362$13,767,369 D
12 The Wendigo (#69) 13,250$13,689,416 RG
13 Try me (#62) 8051$13,666,773 R
14 Mr Cobalt (#135) 13,404$12,906,647 DG
15 (#94)  Game profile 17,126$12,513,052 H
16 Domination (#96)  Game profile 14,245$12,463,697 R
17 AD 1967 (#27) 6760$12,376,225 DG
18 Rock Lobster (#15)  Game profile 14,551$12,372,378 R
19 I wanna be Steve (#145)  Game profile 9212$12,366,707 DG
20 Gumby and Pokey (#6)  Game profile 9044$12,292,417 DG
21 Elmer Gantry (#102)  Game profile 16,000$12,091,928 RG
22 why not (#85) 15,288$11,846,673 C
23 I retal with AB (#7) 11,029$11,474,994 H
24 I like Skittles (#41)  Game profile 10,716$11,140,901 FG
25 Epic Beard Man (#42)  Game profile 12,781$11,033,354 RG
26 Overlords r teh l33t (#58)  Game profile 14,973$10,967,116 C
27 2 (#131) 11,408$10,945,372 FG
28 PunkAzz (#44)  Game profile 12,052$10,599,225 R
29 Random Untagged (#121) 10,739$10,576,473 F
30 Lands of hope (#45) 9691$10,467,432 D
31 fromunder (#24) 15,436$10,215,341 C
32 0ne Billion Jets (#68)  Game profile 23,481$9,928,862 C
33 meh die you (#123)  Game profile 14,915$9,916,570 DG
34 Customer Focus (#134) 8831$9,904,611 I
35 Show Me The Money (#29)  Game profile 16,665$9,821,984 C
36 Blackjack (#21) 16,424$9,601,034 I
37 Never (#13) 13,524$9,395,707 R
38 Melt (#142)  Game profile 16,540$9,262,831 C
39 CRNA GORA (#22) 15,346$9,147,478 C
40 Dick in a Boxxx (#101) 15,565$9,077,563 C
41 Express (#37) 11,305$9,077,046 HG
42 I am number 3 (#3) 13,208$8,311,839 C
43 BLACK LEOPARD (#32) 8042$8,218,360 H
44 I dont Retal I SUICIDE (#10) 9406$8,098,848 H
45 No name (#51) 12,755$8,051,547 HG
46 Charlse Xavier (#9) 14,274$7,928,431 C
47 It Tolls For Thee (#2) 12,545$7,864,145 R
48 Land of Cherry Pepsi (#151) 11,603$7,846,372 C
49 Hello I Love You (#77) 12,243$7,527,640 HG
50 Cyanide (#30) 13,488$7,523,038 C
51 Joedro (#40)  Game profile 8394$7,408,337 C
52 die (#106)  Game profile 14,331$7,363,592 F
53 Hero of the Day (#38)  Game profile 10,155$7,226,199 R
54 johnny five (#4)  Game profile 14,405$7,151,771 C
55 testing one two KILL (#154) 16,356$7,049,902 T
56 velice (#136) 6311$7,047,596 C
57 Polar Express (#71) 12,984$6,657,124 F
58 C R O A T I A (#20)  Game profile 6583$6,640,434 D
59 Legendary (#72) 10,801$6,496,998 C
60 23222515156165165588020000000000 (#55) 13,579$6,362,125 T
61 p h i l t r e (#59)  Game profile 12,009$6,304,595 C
62 come on baby (#88) 8136$6,224,116 C
63 Fudrucker (#76) 10,200$6,141,548 C
64 lycaeum (#141) 12,868$6,093,431 C
65 Land of Vanilla Pepsi (#93)  Game profile 8613$5,983,431 R
66 the day of the reckoning (#64) 11,170$5,714,908 C
67 Logan to Government Center (#139) 4147$5,690,075 H
68 How Do You Play This Game (#118) 15,831$5,478,578 H
69 Land of Diet Pepsi (#12) 14,140$5,452,463 C
70 Fillin Time (#57) 13,469$5,438,465 C
71 Hells Fury (#112) 5439$5,364,296 DG
72 EaL namelttiL (#137) 4051$5,091,298 H
73 bunion (#54) 6973$5,027,311 T
74 WonderMan (#132) 8206$4,978,959 RG
75 China (#92) 15,329$4,794,828 C
76 Red Devil (#122)  Game profile 14,565$4,763,889 F
77 Sugar Booger (#43) 8191$4,738,210 R
78 TAKEDA (#60) 14,140$4,708,507 C
79 CRYSTAL LAKE (#100) 12,223$4,643,403 RG
80 APOLLYON X (#82) 8860$4,598,766 C
81 Desired Country Name (#169) 10,622$4,431,207 FG
82 Zachelvania (#66)  Game profile 6033$4,430,111 R
83 Toad Stomper (#80) 11,832$4,367,641 C
84 Quis Est Tua Pater (#125) 12,015$4,335,302 H
85 a05 (#105) 3555$4,272,354 T
86 wqw (#18) 13,273$4,162,202 IG
87 fat man (#81) 11,447$4,043,075 C
88 st0ned Jump (#161) 694$4,038,768 R
89 Lil ol Me (#116) 13,611$4,024,045 R
90 Kermits Pond (#87) 9082$4,019,897 R
91 Java Shack (#78) 10,515$3,964,840 C
92 little one (#65) 11,437$3,890,773 C
93 EaL KN (#138) 12,798$3,851,869 R
94 I eated a butter (#86) 6692$3,846,262 C
95 Kleptopia (#73) 11,727$3,827,628 R
96 Fallen Angels (#133) 8392$3,749,355 RG
97 cracked (#107) 6981$3,721,472 M
98 StuckInABallOfRage (#115) 12,921$3,665,674 TG
99 solitary (#91) 12,157$3,622,841 C
100 MURDER MACINE (#35) 8876$3,522,258 H

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