Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
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Active countries: 2472
Currently Logged in: 191

Top Players - Express

Next Reset Fifteenth round: Mar 09, 2010 - Mar 15, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 162 countries in the Express server.

1 ICe ICe Baby LaE (#141) 10,644$22,609,758 HG
2 Auschwitz Birkenau (#22) 4588$22,098,171 HG
3 Guineasaurusrex (#88) 6023$18,121,430 DG
4 p h i l t r e (#54)  Game profile 15,562$16,505,433 H
5 China (#40) 7210$15,452,437 DG
6 nsx (#51) 11,394$15,004,750 R
7 3 (#76) 8148$14,648,887 R
8 i missile and ab RETAL ALLLL (#73)  Game profile 8250$14,595,515 HG
9 Tripptography (#112)  Game profile 10,898$13,780,380 C
10 missed the finish again (#32) 16,622$13,585,357 R
11 uh oh (#34) 11,586$13,552,700 FG
12 3 (#117) 10,000$13,292,382 H
13 wtfmate (#98) 16,543$13,218,978 H
14 Quantumflow Array (#119) 13,499$12,737,555 RG
15 status will retal (#70)  Game profile 7330$12,668,748 H
16 Overlords r teh l33t (#50)  Game profile 11,009$12,177,210 RG
17 Lands of hope (#90) 10,966$12,123,781 R
18 Dynamite Abortion (#12) 9880$11,559,544 HG
19 Yes Create Country (#48) 14,897$11,295,296 F
20 Weirdness Randomity (#23) 11,677$10,857,310 F
21 Turn10 (#29)  Game profile 12,081$10,626,915 RG
22 Knocking on Hells Door (#38)  Game profile 8744$10,471,996 H
23 Red Devil (#110)  Game profile 11,816$9,827,848 F
24 C R O A T I A (#42)  Game profile 11,379$9,598,581 DG
25 jajajajaja (#96) 7290$9,474,485 HG
26 some TigOLbiTTIES (#30)  Game profile 10,842$9,422,844 RG
27 Gravity Bong (#74) 15,224$9,122,622 C
28 King James will Change to Number (#6) 13,881$9,114,272 I
29 christine christine (#79) 16,466$8,943,028 R
30 Brain Bug (#71) 13,363$8,872,425 C
31 Candy in a Van (#129)  Game profile 20,982$8,792,256 C
32 BLACK LEOPARD (#3) 7949$8,721,005 H
33 Evil Empire (#46)  Game profile 11,685$8,663,789 HG
34 hempire (#87) 12,198$8,563,730 C
35 0NE Valdez (#67)  Game profile 14,164$8,545,571 C
36 Ivy League (#140) 8400$8,535,929 H
37 lycaeum (#120) 14,176$8,260,093 C
38 2 (#83) 26,838$7,932,847 I
39 Juw0nEakikbOtTy (#7) 15,762$7,792,241 C
40 LaMaga88 (#100) 9685$7,423,289 D
41 Sprecher Root Beer (#75)  Game profile 5606$7,370,926 R
42 iiiilllliiii (#18) 10,043$7,336,919 HG
43 Cyanide (#25) 15,351$7,049,243 C
44 To Be or Not To Be (#105) 16,379$6,538,417 C
45 Quis Est Tua Pater (#84) 10,325$6,515,452 H
46 retal up your bum hole (#131) 8406$6,313,619 RG
47 Hit me Kill You (#68)  Game profile 15,246$6,174,347 C
48 Domination (#92)  Game profile 12,043$5,828,162 R
49 Hells Fury (#103) 5455$5,724,363 DG
50 COME GET some (#132) 5822$5,555,085 RG
51 Check out my Nuts (#77) 12,389$5,459,331 R
52 Stubby McStub (#82) 12,549$5,446,929 R
53 0ne Better Than Multis (#65) 11,115$5,342,114 C
54 kknuckk (#107) 10,820$5,294,741 F
55 butter not hit me (#133) 12,418$5,231,928 I
56 TAKEDA (#55) 11,750$5,146,740 C
57 fat albert (#93) 11,895$5,065,305 C
58 velice (#104) 5074$4,877,887 C
59 segway (#36) 7333$4,710,587 T
60 Land Grabber (#127) 14,909$4,678,851 T
61 Batty (#150)  Game profile 10,764$4,581,593 R
62 poop mode (#28) 12,938$4,524,362 C
63 gin (#101) 12,107$4,496,674 M
64 Korean Missle Launcher (#31) 10,118$4,353,186 M
65 top gear (#146) 9991$4,309,100 FG
66 LavenderLollipopsWubbzy (#43)  Game profile 12,129$4,256,361 DG
67 ST0NER (#78) 9313$4,070,082 C
68 Chief Oleke (#86) 10,960$3,962,377 F
69 this buds for you (#16)  Game profile 9118$3,892,235 M
70 Kordinsaad (#142) 7854$3,829,392 F
71 Boom Boom POW (#63)  Game profile 7446$3,802,910 M
72 Purple Nurples (#35) 11,636$3,688,641 H
73 Alice (#9) 8749$3,640,221 D
74 DetachablePenis (#26) 12,329$3,458,206 C
75 ballzack (#66) 7269$3,395,675 R
76 Rock Lobster IV (#113)  Game profile 8523$3,298,001 T
77 U Know The Drill Gym Tan Laundry (#21)  Game profile 10,752$3,272,948 C
78 tigeral (#53) 8363$3,241,007 M
79 Kakco (#97) 18,111$3,168,182 F
80 oops i hit you again (#39) 5863$3,136,497 T
81 MX0007 (#160) 6586$3,123,875 RG
82 orcs are evil suiciders (#145) 8636$3,085,173 H
83 DEATH (#118) 9903$3,067,958 R
84 zachelvania (#94)  Game profile 9393$3,051,371 I
85 little one (#56) 10,110$3,006,886 C
86 gfy (#124) 8980$3,004,827 MG
87 Kleptopia (#5) 11,479$2,859,953 R
88 News At 11pm (#47) 14,302$2,817,608 I
89 Fish Nugget (#85) 8698$2,747,744 R
90 Bye Bye Birdie (#44) 11,102$2,714,168 RG
91 NewTech (#138) 7029$2,688,284 MG
92 Ouch (#128)  Game profile 11,457$2,592,793 I
93 mob 12345 (#10) 10,230$2,407,577 T
94 crakna (#123) 9901$2,387,101 C
95 hk (#143) 9874$2,341,953 T
96 Charlie Factory (#154) 9616$2,309,168 R
97 butters revenge (#13) 0$2,232,617 C
98 This will take 1 (#57) 9285$2,139,241 C
99 justme (#19) 7176$2,119,508 I
100 i make me LaF (#155) 10,524$2,000,429 R

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