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Active countries: 2452
Currently Logged in: 191

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 417th round: Nov 20, 2017 - Nov 26, 2017 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 112 countries in the Express server.

1 fascist farmer FTL (#14)  Game profile 19,756$55,651,365 HG
2 MakeMyDay (#48) 16,141$39,735,092 TG
3 Snake Food (#41)  Game profile 20,003$36,601,612 HG
4 Goodfriendsandabottleofpills (#60) 28,919$34,727,221 CG
5 Loldidntread (#102)  Game profile 30,327$22,871,441 DG
6 Darth RatZilla (#57)  Game profile 12,078$22,482,072 TG
7 the Temple (#30) 16,977$20,447,192 RG
8 RustyNails (#39) 14,215$19,549,203 D
9 Rat Rat Skinks (#8)  Game profile 666$19,348,332 DG
10 patkanymereg (#51) 19,303$18,596,060 CG
11 Ordog V (#53)  Game profile 23,173$18,549,325 FG
12 UnEqual (#104) 29,269$17,435,045 F
13 C R O A T I A (#46)  Game profile 10,186$16,512,819 HG
14 Macaronic (#21) 11,794$15,784,640 DG
15 Bot Head (#103)  Game profile 12,219$15,737,125 HG
16 Where The Shadows Lie (#2)  Game profile 10,720$15,418,604 RG
17 I Will Retal If You Grab Me (#37)  Game profile 15,140$15,213,756 CG
18 Whodawhat (#108) 12,674$14,702,004 RG
19 Girlfolio (#11)  Game profile 12,395$14,100,516 RG
20 kAydEn hates no winning (#3)  Game profile 11,326$13,499,992 HG
21 fannyflaps (#50) 14,337$12,105,706 C
22 Iretalbotswontchosewisely (#19) 14,859$11,343,345 DG
23 Criscallforduty (#6) 6586$11,146,372 HG
24 Nod (#98) 17,565$10,915,939 CG
25 m0bzta (#7) 11,918$10,468,489 HG
26 Little Blue Bug (#90)  Game profile 12,668$9,809,476 D
27 (#89) 12,720$9,443,535 FG
28 Sina (#76) 13,660$9,296,758 F
29 3FPM (#47) 20,941$9,077,530 FG
30 hello (#109) 15,215$8,684,654 R
31 HatchetUnderground (#111)  Game profile 15,725$8,393,915 CG
32 Cant be fcked (#105) 13,708$8,145,899 CG
33 John Silverblade Darkmoon (#56) 13,184$7,561,029 F
34 Arryn Riandur (#43) 12,902$7,505,933 R
35 Prince Piotr Lightning (#61) 14,496$7,375,709 R
36 General Moose (#4) 16,265$6,916,650 C
37 Crawhawk Walker Fargloom (#66) 14,144$6,895,642 F
38 Eagles of Jihb (#71) 12,984$6,705,927 R
39 Fargloom Thomas Darkblood (#23) 13,758$6,582,122 I
40 Abardon Mathar Meldin (#79) 13,105$6,492,749 C
41 Fierce Uranium (#73) 14,172$6,311,977 R
42 Secors Riders (#78) 13,413$6,206,974 R
43 Sina (#59) 13,898$6,141,502 C
44 YREATECOURYOUNTRY (#28) 8442$6,111,068 RG
45 Usara Shard (#64) 12,763$6,094,029 C
46 General Tasty Serpent (#38) 13,851$6,024,004 R
47 Zek (#34) 13,499$5,832,384 C
48 Me (#91) 12,615$5,720,800 F
49 Neowald Fildon Breen (#29) 11,696$5,650,635 C
50 Raydan (#69) 14,055$5,625,890 C
51 Bethel (#54) 12,956$5,455,274 C
52 Passionist (#93) 8891$5,382,643 H
53 Doctor Bunny (#58) 13,949$5,363,873 R
54 Steamy Gravel (#74) 12,319$4,992,041 C
55 BaDonkaDonks (#88)  Game profile 14,057$4,989,625 HG
56 King Hungry (#49) 11,206$4,851,762 C
57 Treble (#97) 14,065$4,701,757 R
58 RatZilla (#44) 10,828$4,681,520 HG
59 Hey Whos whistling (#18)  Game profile 13,880$4,321,779 CG
60 Relevance (#10)  Game profile 12,820$4,220,283 CG
61 hollywoodgropersunion (#75) 18,623$4,200,973 R
62 Voorhees (#13) 12,624$3,806,452 H
63 greenleaf (#81) 12,516$3,741,272 DG
64 balls (#16) 14,954$3,711,802 FG
65 ButtStuff (#84) 8988$3,599,953 D
66 Zigmal Cryptmaw (#27) 12,050$3,273,473 D
67 703 (#15) 14,164$3,166,455 T
68 Risky Laser (#12) 13,203$3,058,307 H
69 North Korea (#95)  Game profile 4838$2,889,853 T
70 Znation84 (#26)  Game profile 6763$2,865,343 TG
71 Masters from Velpar (#72) 11,709$2,819,928 T
72 Tristram (#87)  Game profile 9367$2,761,884 HG
73 Temple Needless (#77) 12,093$2,731,449 D
74 Cobera (#33) 9712$2,619,266 HG
75 ZbigONE (#35) 4983$2,606,954 HG
76 Francois Klek Silvergrim (#52) 12,340$2,521,400 H
77 Sythriluhrd (#67) 11,591$2,453,461 H
78 Uhmarsutlin (#17) 11,253$2,392,233 H
79 Revenge is Sweet Indeed (#22) 3550$2,294,931 IG
80 Elthin (#32) 12,031$2,267,528 D
81 salt lick (#25) 6086$2,176,307 C
82 fertile land (#65) 4290$2,108,931 I
83 ILIGAN CLAN (#31)  Game profile 13,607$2,102,736 H
84 Obama Care ACA (#106)  Game profile 9399$1,774,301 CG
85 eLLiOt goNnA SaVE tUrnS 4 LateR (#68)  Game profile 16,085$1,750,946 CG
86 The Runners of Kilder (#45) 13,287$1,713,443 R
87 Mongolia (#62)  Game profile 7394$1,638,912 H
88 Thirsty Rat (#20) 13,446$1,555,392 M
89 Vildher Dwarfs (#80) 12,847$1,532,133 M
90 Boiling Sergeant Airmen (#70) 11,813$1,453,431 M
91 Lolimgolas Bredock (#40) 11,232$1,420,606 M
92 Pakistan (#55) 7420$1,418,491 M
93 Usara (#85) 11,974$1,388,862 M
94 Help (#9) 4099$1,030,655 MG
95 Soviet Red Army (#99) 8650$886,431 H
96 Ethereum (#107)  Game profile 3526$370,473 CG
97 Rosewood (#113) 2978$208,707 M
98 Decahedron (#36)  Game profile 1776$143,707 M
99 70 gto (#24) 0$119,484 C
100 DeathFromAhead (#86) 874$102,522 C

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