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Currently Logged in: 207

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 418th round: Nov 27, 2017 - Dec 03, 2017 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 109 countries in the Express server.

1 Scom Frosborne (#78)  Game profile 19,284$59,068,578 H
2 im too drunk to calc break (#79) 31,060$35,616,938 HG
3 Master Ratski (#81)  Game profile 15,865$32,936,418 HG
4 RustyNails (#17) 16,085$28,061,318 HG
5 Yodazilla (#21)  Game profile 20,282$25,727,562 HG
6 Look Ma No Hands (#55)  Game profile 33,141$21,404,324 CG
7 R (#99) 12,034$18,516,425 CG
8 Where The Shadows Lie (#10)  Game profile 10,720$15,437,981 RG
9 Watch4Beauty (#1)  Game profile 19,597$14,531,443 RG
10 Lane Kiffin is a FATTY (#74) 28,252$13,532,246 MG
11 BaDonkaDonks (#73)  Game profile 15,118$11,883,989 HG
12 I caught a farfetched (#13)  Game profile 8903$11,459,843 TG
13 3FPM (#66) 18,367$11,355,834 FG
14 donot grope or harass me bro (#101) 5$10,935,366 D
15 Playdough (#94)  Game profile 10,592$10,523,749 D
16 Gom (#69) 15,382$9,807,721 C
17 C R O A T I A (#42)  Game profile 10,186$9,569,145 HG
18 Little Blue Bug (#24)  Game profile 15,441$9,249,990 D
19 Criscallforduty (#6) 330$8,851,661 DG
20 Witfar Renegades (#31) 15,248$8,806,531 R
21 Palindrome (#36) 15,386$8,791,123 FG
22 Luke RatZillawalker (#7)  Game profile 37,246$8,602,262 I
23 The Slayers of Eckard (#26) 12,180$8,246,693 D
24 ABforU (#88) 12,030$7,829,725 H
25 Doran (#61) 12,093$7,628,032 F
26 Screaming Sun (#44) 11,857$7,614,357 C
27 Nildale of the Brothers (#48) 12,821$7,597,165 R
28 Count Llama (#68) 14,588$7,471,572 R
29 The Fiends of Psyra (#23) 13,251$7,405,431 R
30 Suktar (#41) 11,878$7,393,004 F
31 newbi (#106) 8519$7,077,235 H
32 Count Cyril Striki (#33) 12,775$7,001,374 R
33 Blood Lands (#45) 8993$6,746,092 H
34 The Dead See (#102) 24,538$6,728,516 T
35 Zilz Justahl (#28) 13,008$6,636,398 R
36 Richard Cranium (#32) 8710$6,559,267 IG
37 Treble (#92) 15,079$6,485,377 FG
38 RatZilla OutLaw (#14) 18,244$6,461,532 CG
39 Znation84 (#25)  Game profile 8222$6,188,848 R
40 Temil Leith (#56) 12,829$6,175,380 F
41 Helpless Iron (#63) 12,467$6,134,459 R
42 Manwhostandsontoilet (#95)  Game profile 20,624$6,065,439 D
43 Xithyl of the Ghosts (#39) 11,577$5,946,956 C
44 kAydEn gOnA gO fOr It (#2)  Game profile 15,522$5,709,369 IG
45 Duckbill Rusty (#3) 13,337$5,472,621 R
46 (#85) 16,320$5,466,565 HG
47 ACCOUNTABLES (#29) 10,727$5,285,074 RG
48 Bloody Nathan Digger (#34) 10,397$5,149,052 C
49 Adel Darkblade (#59) 9982$5,059,095 C
50 Abdun above the Brothers (#18) 11,946$4,974,573 I
51 centopia (#82)  Game profile 14,255$4,960,077 R
52 Prince Arturo Vinther (#64) 10,337$4,912,175 C
53 bayrock (#98)  Game profile 10,233$4,637,979 H
54 Pointless Cosmic (#46) 12,533$4,471,014 F
55 Airis Alkirk Oceloth (#54) 10,849$4,419,420 C
56 Im back (#9) 13,669$4,406,331 HG
57 Newlovia (#83)  Game profile 12,513$4,296,103 R
58 JustFarming (#27)  Game profile 8250$4,287,954 H
59 Shakira (#53) 5581$4,249,306 R
60 ValcoTraz (#58) 10,748$4,220,383 D
61 Bleh (#8) 12,184$3,950,423 H
62 Gee (#90) 13,390$3,901,891 H
63 El Snake (#77) 12,533$3,345,835 D
64 CLEVELAND STEAMER (#91)  Game profile 17,447$3,309,352 I
65 Vinkol Agnar Zerin (#37) 12,046$3,193,783 H
66 anusol (#49) 7396$2,870,283 C
67 Boldel (#72) 12,091$2,783,356 T
68 Darth RatZilla (#12) 13,198$2,764,261 HG
69 Calene Rikar (#67) 12,582$2,661,902 H
70 Rumble (#11)  Game profile 8124$2,656,943 H
71 Mazuma (#43) 10,098$2,636,780 CG
72 Prince Rafael Fargloom (#62) 12,917$2,586,729 H
73 Kala Silverbeard (#52) 12,309$2,216,654 H
74 Pakistan (#93) 9062$2,089,667 M
75 Craven Moorehead (#76)  Game profile 8340$2,057,523 HG
76 Camon Badek (#65) 12,865$1,916,341 H
77 Roostay (#51) 4560$1,770,330 HG
78 Discarded Gamma (#50) 13,767$1,733,942 R
79 dragon (#20) 0$1,711,923 C
80 White Francois Seagull (#15) 13,399$1,656,455 M
81 Beeron Keran Lahorn (#60) 13,337$1,651,411 D
82 Jack Davis Digger (#75) 13,328$1,583,254 M
83 Jack Blackstroker Shelley (#40) 12,817$1,474,873 T
84 Worthy Viscountess Duckbill (#70) 13,022$1,421,837 T
85 Zuthmardin (#30) 11,245$1,415,337 C
86 the Temple (#97) 0$1,381,749 IG
87 lines (#71) 9355$1,376,269 M
88 Ratzilla (#108) 5533$1,293,673 F
89 chicken Little (#38)  Game profile 8314$850,677 C
90 Rat2 D2 (#57)  Game profile 7498$849,248 HG
91 Decahedron (#35)  Game profile 3830$726,901 CG
92 the Temple (#111) 2577$579,708 M
93 Obama Care ACA (#104)  Game profile 3954$472,772 DG
94 Asgardia Earthbound (#107)  Game profile 3160$289,407 D
95 Trumpkin (#47) 2146$266,865 CG
96 2 HITS EQUAL AB (#86)  Game profile 2015$235,267 CG
97 Dizology (#109) 1833$186,043 T
98 requires a name (#89) 3244$152,638 CG
99 ILIGAN CLAN (#87)  Game profile 1600$132,823 F
100 HatchetUnderground (#16)  Game profile 838$55,714 MG

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