Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2449
Currently Logged in: 192

Free For All Clan: The Undead Soldiers of Ares (Ares)

Sixteenth round: Aug 02, 2012 - Oct 02, 2012
Homepage: http://www.aresaftermath.com/EE/
Recruitment message: Get tired of untag unsuccess, give Ares a shot. A fun clan on the FFA Server that welcomes all to the Alliance. Just Message us back, or join us in Chat (http://chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.gamesurge.Net&channel=%23Ares) and we will get you set up! ~JJosh
Clan Standings
Membership Rank10 of 57
Total Networth Rank14 of 57
Average Networth Rank19 of 57
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
154 India (#515) 108,320$194,505,918 R
180 Delta (#510) 100,785$178,909,608 D
542 Golf (#513) 40,190$64,320,646 D
575 Juliet (#516) 34,700$57,872,572 R
802 Bravo (#508) 15,520$30,176,274 D
803 Echo (#511) 15,060$29,910,469 D
839 Alpha (#507) 13,838$27,451,017 D
846 Lima (#518) 17,040$27,313,326 R
866 Foxtrot (#512) 15,134$25,771,767 D
869 Charlie (#509) 14,620$25,612,964 D
880 Kilo (#517) 16,050$24,959,424 R
897 Your Face Is A Rules Violation (#1563) 10,331$23,742,244 H
900 Phargo (#1564) 10,453$23,586,875 H
910 419 Ugot A Minute (#1565) 10,403$22,958,196 H
921 Papa (#522) 15,019$22,345,892 R
928 614 (#1566) 10,296$21,937,647 H
934 Hotel (#514) 14,520$21,723,998 D
939 Oscar (#521) 15,211$21,336,777 R
990 Mike (#519) 16,616$18,846,969 R
1153 November (#520) 16,002$12,460,839 R
1399 Stress Management (#1570) 7725$6,079,903 T
1409 It Was Not Me (#1568) 7788$5,841,484 T
1410 Maybe Not A Good Day For You (#1569) 7664$5,831,661 T
1414 Cool Aid (#1567) 7587$5,697,144 T
1418 Rack Mountable Country (#1575) 20,411$5,579,065 F
1430 iCountry (#1576) 20,312$5,238,984 F
1431 Country Cooler (#1577) 20,281$5,183,461 F
1432 Solar Arrey Cannon (#1578) 20,370$5,151,291 F
1449 You Will Thank Me Later (#1572) 19,856$4,493,550 T
1463 Free For Me (#1571) 19,839$4,292,489 T
1467 Leinenkugel (#1574) 19,599$4,236,953 T
1472 I Like Your Peach (#1573) 19,515$4,178,659 T
1609 (#3311)  Game profile 10,775$1,724,715 M
1621 Ares (#2367)  Game profile 11,882$1,542,251 M
1628 (#3317)  Game profile 9999$1,476,336 M
1650 (#3312)  Game profile 10,669$1,367,720 M
1664 (#3310)  Game profile 10,676$1,268,496 M
1678 (#3318)  Game profile 8918$1,217,172 M
1681 (#3319)  Game profile 9014$1,194,543 M
1685 (#3314)  Game profile 10,289$1,117,816 M
1690 (#3315)  Game profile 10,117$1,090,270 M
1696 (#3324)  Game profile 8960$1,068,278 M
1697 (#3320)  Game profile 8874$1,063,745 M
1698 (#3313)  Game profile 10,079$1,049,862 M
1701 (#3325)  Game profile 8519$1,026,175 M
1705 (#3322)  Game profile 8949$983,249 M
1710 (#3316)  Game profile 8820$957,038 M
1711 (#3321)  Game profile 8323$942,600 M
1712 (#3323)  Game profile 8990$900,752 M
1791 Ares (#2368)  Game profile 6281$456,005 M
1799 Ares (#2369)  Game profile 5780$423,877 M
1851 Ares (#2376)  Game profile 3731$294,109 M
1855 Ares (#2375)  Game profile 3467$290,348 M
1857 Ares (#2372)  Game profile 3379$289,165 M
1860 Ares (#2378)  Game profile 3399$287,144 M
1864 Ares (#2382)  Game profile 3362$283,698 M
1865 Ares (#2373)  Game profile 3363$283,579 M
1866 Ares (#2374)  Game profile 3362$283,329 M
1867 Ares (#2377)  Game profile 3390$282,443 M
1869 Ares (#2371)  Game profile 3364$278,245 M
1870 Ares (#2379)  Game profile 3291$278,033 M
1875 Ares (#2370)  Game profile 3281$275,468 M
1880 Ares (#2380)  Game profile 3189$269,258 M
1890 Ares (#2381)  Game profile 3044$255,560 M
2334 The First Element (#3270) 420$32,565 M
2335 The Second Element (#3271) 420$32,565 M
2336 The Third Element (#3272) 420$32,565 M
2337 The Fourth Element (#3273) 420$32,565 M
2338 The Fifth Element (#3274) 420$32,565 M
2339 The Sixth Element (#3275) 420$32,565 M
2340 The Seventh Element (#3276) 420$32,565 M
2341 The Eighth Element (#3277) 420$32,565 M
2342 The Nineth Element (#3278) 420$32,565 M
2343 The Tenth Element (#3279) 420$32,565 M
2344 The Eleventh Element (#3280) 420$32,565 M
2345 The Twelveth Element (#3281) 420$32,565 M
2346 The Thirteenth Element (#3282) 420$32,565 M
2347 The Fourteenth Element (#3283) 420$32,565 M
2348 The Fifteenth Element (#3284) 420$32,565 M
2349 The Sixteenth Element (#3285) 420$32,565 M

Ranked countries: 80 (Show all countries)

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