


Jun 28th 2014, 4:53:28

Scode. You're a fluff but I'm feeling like an open book tonight. Anything you want to know about that I told you while leading MD? (Did we ever talk?)

Sov Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 5:00:00

Originally posted by HavocMD:
Oh, and Sov. The only lie I think I ever told you (that I remember) was I think at one point you were thinking of offering us a friendly war with you or Rival or something like that, and we said we would consider it....we totally had our plans set to hit you like we told you we were going to do earlier. We also actively and heavily pursued FA in one war, I forget which one, because we were losing. You're welcome for the competitive fight :)

Seriously people, quit wasting your time discussing stale EE politics and at least fluff about the current ones.

I'm not concerned about lies you told me in the past, and that is not really the point... However I don't remember us ever discussing a friendly. The entire point we are discussing this is MD/SOL's attempts to isolate SoF from other alliances via the use of lies and manipulation which is pretty much the reason why SoF is fighting you now. Everything else discussed in here is people slinging mud around at each other.

The past is being discussed here because individuals are trying to use the past to vindicate the actions of MD/SOL leaders to isolate SoF and carry on such behaviour. That is fine, except at least be accurate with the past if you are going to try and use it to attack.

iScode Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 5:09:41

Originally posted by HavocMD:
Scode. You're a fluff but I'm feeling like an open book tonight. Anything you want to know about that I told you while leading MD? (Did we ever talk?)

nope i dpnt want to know anything anymore :)
God of War




Jun 28th 2014, 5:16:02

With all do respect to the current MD give them too much credit.

We're constantly changing leadership and rotating people through, and thus we have a hard time making relationships stick. Thus we bumble and stumble our way through FA and what might appear to be manipulation is probably just stupidity. (at least that's how my administration kinda worked) If you ever were under the impression we were playing this crazy game of 3D Foreign Affairs chess, that was well off base and I'm going to guess it's the same now.

I seriously think you give MD (and probably SOL as well) WAAAAAAAAAY too much credit for being clever. I'm feeling like a loose cannon right now which is why you're hearing this, but I would be willing to bet the people that did MD/SOL FA are probably smacking themselves in the head as to how they got into a war with SoF again. We always feel like you're 4 steps ahead of us and we try to look smart when replying to these kinda threads, but we're kinda clueless.

But it is what it is and I'm actually enjoying this war so whatever I guess.

Boltar Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 5:29:34

ok havoc, since ur a open book tonight.. what about me? any comments etc..



Jun 28th 2014, 5:36:58

I remember we were pissed at you at one point because you kept saying "I can't give you a pact but you can trust me. We won't hit you" and during that chat the MD heads were all on a skype call (we figured 5 brains put together might give us a shot at not getting screwed over) and we just thought you were the biggest POS for saying you wanted to help us but didn't have the authority. The ironic thing is we said the exact same thing to LaF because of the 6mo. no pact thing we were bound to when Pride and I took over.

Anyways it was roast Boltar night.

What about thoughts on me since this is so fun?

Sov Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 5:43:46

I liked your videos ;) Far better than the more recent ones!

tellarion Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 5:47:47

Originally posted by Sov:
I don't try to discredit you, but I do tell people what I think about you. I do not try to isolate Evo or sway others from being pacted to Evo. There is a difference. I also do not lie to others about you to suit my goals unlike others as I have mentioned above.

So going to my allies, who are your apparent sworn enemies, and telling them that I 'betrayed' them over a year and a fuxking half ago is not trying to discredit me?

Md hasn't been trying I isolate you at all. They've just been telling everyone what they think of you. Totally innocent behavior if you think about it...

Sov Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 6:01:04

Originally posted by tellarion:

So going to my allies, who are your apparent sworn enemies, and telling them that I 'betrayed' them over a year and a fuxking half ago is not trying to discredit me?

Well you must be mistaken there dumbass because I've only had one conversation with MD in 6 months and I did not mention you AT ALL. In fact this is the only time Evo was even discussed in that one conversation:-

[22:21] [SoF]Xyle TIE fed us nothing
[22:21] [SoF]Xyle Evo fed us everything

I've had ZERO discussions with anyone in SOL in 6 months.

So, would you like to point out to me where I set out to discredit you? Your name was not even mentioned because quite frankly you are barely even a blip on the political radar. You are just that guy hiding behind MD and SOL's backs who pops his head out now and then to stick out his tongue.

Originally posted by tellarion:

Md hasn't been trying I isolate you at all. They've just been telling everyone what they think of you. Totally innocent behavior if you think about it...

Actually no. Next time you comment about what I have said in this thread you should actually read what I have said. Lying to other alliance leaders about things I have supposedly said as a reason as to why they should not be allied to SoF is not innocent behaviour. If you are stupid enough to believe that many of the Alliances out there are not telling me about discussions they have had with you guys, and yes you are included in this, then you are being naive. I could be asking the same very questions I am asking of MD to you.

Edited By: Sov on Jun 28th 2014, 6:11:11
See Original Post

iScode Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 6:22:59

its only been me who mentioned you personally, and its not like im someone with any significance in this game!

Which is why i find it funny that you deny, what do i have to gain from lying in this situation, its not like they are going to care this far a long and do anything about it are they lol
God of War


Heston Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 6:24:30

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Makinso Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 8:16:41

You guys have it all wrong!

In the end it's all about iScode.
He just draws to much of suni's attention and that needs to end.

Flamey Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 10:18:29

I'd like to repeat that Hanlong didn't hack Boxcar. He was given full admin control.

I'd also like to point out that I've never once broken the rules of this game.

Boltar Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 10:30:32

Originally posted by HavocMD:
I remember we were pissed at you at one point because you kept saying "I can't give you a pact but you can trust me. We won't hit you" and during that chat the MD heads were all on a skype call (we figured 5 brains put together might give us a shot at not getting screwed over) and we just thought you were the biggest POS for saying you wanted to help us but didn't have the authority. The ironic thing is we said the exact same thing to LaF because of the 6mo. no pact thing we were bound to when Pride and I took over.

Anyways it was roast Boltar night.

What about thoughts on me since this is so fun?

but was i wrong? as for how i feel about u? i think ur a good dude, i never had any issues with u. I enjoyed our FA talks. It was always simple and i'd like to think the outcome of those talk neither one of us tried to screw the other over.

Alin Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 10:42:21

Havoc & Boltar go ahead and make some babies !!!

tellarion Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 11:13:11

Originally posted by iScode:
its only been me who mentioned you personally, and its not like im someone with any significance in this game!

Which is why i find it funny that you deny, what do i have to gain from lying in this situation, its not like they are going to care this far a long and do anything about it are they lol

Exactly Scode. And how do you have information from a conversation between me and sov? Because sov decided to share our private conversation to you and probably everyone else in sof.

But hey, Scode does whatever he wants without the approval of sov, right? That's why he's banned from playing in sof this set, right? Oh wait, he's been playing countries in the sof tag all fuxking set...

Alin Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 11:16:04

tella you do realize you need both video and audio proofs for that right ? :P

Red X Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 11:20:30

I like pie
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Sov Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 11:22:23

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by iScode:
its only been me who mentioned you personally, and its not like im someone with any significance in this game!

Which is why i find it funny that you deny, what do i have to gain from lying in this situation, its not like they are going to care this far a long and do anything about it are they lol

Exactly Scode. And how do you have information from a conversation between me and sov? Because sov decided to share our private conversation to you and probably everyone else in sof.

But hey, Scode does whatever he wants without the approval of sov, right? That's why he's banned from playing in sof this set, right? Oh wait, he's been playing countries in the sof tag all fuxking set...

Nice attempt at misdirection. You were owned with my response and now you are angry and deflecting on to other issues.

So what we are now seeing is that the current leaders of MD, SOL and Evo all think that lying is a great political tool and is acceptable to the point that they are willing to do so on AT. Convenient that almost every accusation you people have made here about me gets shot down and none of you respond to it.

I like it though, the more you guys post the more I just send other alliance leaders to this thread to show them how full of fluff you are.

timmie Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 12:24:29

She likes apples its gonna happen..

Red X Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 12:45:18

Originally posted by timmie:
She likes apples its gonna happen..

If she made me an apple pie, I would wreck her.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin



Jun 28th 2014, 12:55:26

I still hate you for doing this during the world cup, also, bonus!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 28th 2014, 15:21:09

Originally posted by HavocMD:
Scode. You're a fluff but I'm feeling like an open book tonight. Anything you want to know about that I told you while leading MD? (Did we ever talk?)

Dammit Havoc, this made me choke on my coffee and donut!!!

Edited By: galleri on Jun 28th 2014, 15:25:27

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Alin Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 15:26:20

Can anyone make a history of wars in the last 10-15 resets ?

To see for real who isolated who ?

*not that i don`t know *

Sov Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 15:29:35

Originally posted by Alin:
Can anyone make a history of wars in the last 10-15 resets ?

To see for real who isolated who ?

*not that i don`t know *

Why are your leaders lying to other alliances Alin?



Jun 28th 2014, 15:31:26

Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Atryn Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 15:51:56

Sov, did you ever consider that we just shared your quotes from that chat and other leaders came to the same conclusion we did?

You said that MD's current allies make if difficult for SoF and MD relations to ever improve (paraphrasing). That was what stuck with us from that convo.

Otherwise, that whole convo turned out to be pretty pointless and basically a ruse by you to feign cordiality.

Red X Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 15:55:47

This one time at band camp
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Sov Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 16:13:17

Originally posted by Atryn:

Sov, did you ever consider that we just shared your quotes from that chat and other leaders came to the same conclusion we did?

You said that MD's current allies make if difficult for SoF and MD relations to ever improve (paraphrasing). That was what stuck with us from that convo.

I am going to assume by other leaders you are referring to MD leaders because the logs I have read certainly did not share my words.

So you are saying your leadership invented it's own conclusion then went to another Alliance and communicated that conclusion as if I had said it myself? In fact used that conclusion as the basis as to why that Alliance should not be allied with SoF.

Originally posted by Atryn:

Otherwise, that whole convo turned out to be pretty pointless and basically a ruse by you to feign cordiality.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. The door swings both ways. However I am not the one who tried to use the content of that meeting as a basis to approach other Alliances with the intention of convincing them not to align with SoF.

Convenient for you to ignore that was me who first approached MD asking for pact terms only to be delayed for a week because MD had "not started pacting yet", then I find out that you contacted Rage immediately after that message being sent asking them for a pact.

In the time you stalled us on pacting we had the incident which I had brought up with you. On it's own it was not too bad. But then we had another one. And then another one. Our patience is only so thin.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 17:25:50

You're a fluffing moron Sov. Out of nowhere, immediately after Scode pulled his stupid little hissy fit stunt last set, I hear from MD that Scode and Sof are trying(for whatever fluffing reason) to discredit me. The only fluffing way scode could get those logs between you and me is if you shared it to him. So apparently you love to just share private conversations between people, and yet you claim other alliances are untrustworthy? Or do you just share those logs with other Sof heads, and Scode just happened to come by them somehow? Kind of strange, for a supposedly disgraced member of your alliance...

And speaking of misdirection, are you claiming that Scode is not, in fact, running countries in the Sof tag? This is your chance to answer a direct yes or no question in front of all of AT: Has Scode run countries in the Sof tag this set, yes or no. No more evading the question, jackass.

Alin Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 20:10:32

I said iScode was part of Sof second after he suicided from MD. Not even MD leadership believed me...



Jun 28th 2014, 21:21:41

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by mdevol:

true or false: you tagged SoF this reset, despite your "one reset ban"

I have it on, what I believe to be good intel, that you did tag, and that you have already been killed without walling.

Every country in SoF is claimed by a member and iScode is not listed as a member of SoF nor is there a country assigned to him. We have no new recruits this set other than returning SoFers and returning IXers. If you have information to the contrary then please inform Wargodess or Gutty our IAs.

iScode's ban is consistent with punishments leveled against other SoF members such as Chaz for suiciding our FDP RD while tagged SoF and oats for suiciding Evo while tagged SoF.

Quite frankly I'm sick of hearing of this issue and your attempts to politicize it. You can yell and scream all you want about it. Bring it i say.

Tell a - Sov already answered this days ago.

Makinso Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 22:59:43


tellarion Game profile


Jun 28th 2014, 23:53:45

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by mdevol:

true or false: you tagged SoF this reset, despite your "one reset ban"

I have it on, what I believe to be good intel, that you did tag, and that you have already been killed without walling.

Every country in SoF is claimed by a member and iScode is not listed as a member of SoF nor is there a country assigned to him. We have no new recruits this set other than returning SoFers and returning IXers. If you have information to the contrary then please inform Wargodess or Gutty our IAs.

iScode's ban is consistent with punishments leveled against other SoF members such as Chaz for suiciding our FDP RD while tagged SoF and oats for suiciding Evo while tagged SoF.

Quite frankly I'm sick of hearing of this issue and your attempts to politicize it. You can yell and scream all you want about it. Bring it i say.

Tell a - Sov already answered this days ago.

His answer was not satisfactory. Either he is obfuscating by playing with words(ie iScode is not listed as a 'member', because he is listed as 'inactive', or some other clever ruse), or he's just incompetent. iScode has been playing in Sof all set long and has died multiple times. Maybe Gutty or Wargoddess could tell us who ran #659? Because if that's not scode, I'll quit the game right now.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 0:21:19

Originally posted by Sov:

Originally posted by tellarion:

Md hasn't been trying I isolate you at all. They've just been telling everyone what they think of you. Totally innocent behavior if you think about it...

Actually no. Next time you comment about what I have said in this thread you should actually read what I have said. Lying to other alliance leaders about things I have supposedly said as a reason as to why they should not be allied to SoF is not innocent behaviour. If you are stupid enough to believe that many of the Alliances out there are not telling me about discussions they have had with you guys, and yes you are included in this, then you are being naive. I could be asking the same very questions I am asking of MD to you.

And maybe next time you comment about MY posts, you should do the same. I'm pretty sure everyone else on AT can recognize my comment as sarcasm and satire. Apparently, when someone plays your favorite game of 'let's twist the fluff out of every statement', you don't even realize!

Alin Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 0:29:48

Good luck explaining your members and Laf why iScode is/was in your tag this reset ... MY IDOL.

Sov Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 0:39:49

Originally posted by tellarion:
You're a fluffing moron Sov. Out of nowhere, immediately after Scode pulled his stupid little hissy fit stunt last set, I hear from MD that Scode and Sof are trying(for whatever fluffing reason) to discredit me. The only fluffing way scode could get those logs between you and me is if you shared it to him. So apparently you love to just share private conversations between people, and yet you claim other alliances are untrustworthy? Or do you just share those logs with other Sof heads, and Scode just happened to come by them somehow? Kind of strange, for a supposedly disgraced member of your alliance...

And speaking of misdirection, are you claiming that Scode is not, in fact, running countries in the Sof tag? This is your chance to answer a direct yes or no question in front of all of AT: Has Scode run countries in the Sof tag this set, yes or no. No more evading the question, jackass.

Actually I never showed the actual logs to anyone, so once again either you or MD are lying. So what is it, is MD lying to you or are you lying to everyone on AT?

And who said iScode is a disgraced member of SoF? He is banned for one set but he is not disgraced. Neither SoF nor I agree with what he did nor are we happy about it, but that doesn't make him disgraced either.

Originally posted by tellarion:

His answer was not satisfactory. Either he is obfuscating by playing with words(ie iScode is not listed as a 'member', because he is listed as 'inactive', or some other clever ruse), or he's just incompetent. iScode has been playing in Sof all set long and has died multiple times. Maybe Gutty or Wargoddess could tell us who ran #659? Because if that's not scode, I'll quit the game right now.

You have your opportunity to present your evidence to our IA department. I have no doubt your evidence is pretty good, but let's see it. Now on to the evidence itself, you wouldn't be abusing your mod perms now would you? Maybe we should start a new topic for this. If you have breached the mod rules then you better stand down now because that is downright disgraceful.

fazer Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 0:45:55

Either way you slice it, with numbers in this game so LOW if SOF pacted with SOL and MD and LAF did the same. All mid tier tags would be forced to join together and war larger tags resulting in endless ganks and more people leaving in droves.

The hatred, bickering, backstabbing and lieing has to stop, it's poisoning the water hole the last 500 players are drinking from!
- -

Fazer - MGP

"if somethings not fun, why do it?"

Sov Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 0:55:06

Originally posted by tellarion:
Maybe Gutty or Wargoddess could tell us who ran #659? Because if that's not scode, I'll quit the game right now.

Wrath of God (#659)?

Country in protection and never been tagged SoF? What the hell has it got to do with SoF? I have no idea who plays untagged countries. It could very well be iScode but it has nothing to do with us. Maybe I was wrong and your evidence is flawed.

So please present whatever evidence you have to our IA department, they can look into it.



Jun 29th 2014, 0:59:02

Good grief, some pissy pants need changed.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 1:03:33

Originally posted by Sov:

Actually I never showed the actual logs to anyone, so once again either you or MD are lying. So what is it, is MD lying to you or are you lying to everyone on AT?

Oh man, you never fail to deliver, Sov. So you never gave scode logs of our conversations...then why does he have them? Or is he just saying 'TELLARION BETRAYED YOU' with literally zero evidence? If that is the case, then I am sorry for my assertions. Also, if that is the case, then wtf was the point?

And who said iScode is a disgraced member of SoF? He is banned for one set but he is not disgraced. Neither SoF nor I agree with what he did nor are we happy about it, but that doesn't make him disgraced either.

So the guy who infiltrates your rivals tag, suicides on everyone but Sof(while your HFA makes out like a fkn bandit in the process), then brags about it on AT isn't disgraced? I'm glad you're being honest about the type of member you prefer. I seem to recall you speaking out against his actions last set, and an offer from Sof to help kill his country(which never really happened). But hey, one set later and all is forgiven!

Originally posted by tellarion:

His answer was not satisfactory. Either he is obfuscating by playing with words(ie iScode is not listed as a 'member', because he is listed as 'inactive', or some other clever ruse), or he's just incompetent. iScode has been playing in Sof all set long and has died multiple times. Maybe Gutty or Wargoddess could tell us who ran #659? Because if that's not scode, I'll quit the game right now.

You have your opportunity to present your evidence to our IA department. I have no doubt your evidence is pretty good, but let's see it. Now on to the evidence itself, you wouldn't be abusing your mod perms now would you? Maybe we should start a new topic for this. If you have breached the mod rules then you better stand down now because that is downright disgraceful.

Sov casts misdirection! It's...not very effective...

See, did I not just say that you wouldn't answer the question directly? Instead of answering a simple yes or no question, you say TELLARION IS ABUSING HIS MOD POWERS! LOOK EVERYONE!

Sov, stop with the games and answer this question: Has scode been playing countries in the Sof tag this set?

If you believe he hasn't, then you need to do an internal investigation, because you've been duped! If you know he has, then you've been lying for the past month about his 'punishment'. So which is it? Are you lying or are you just incompetent, and someone in your alliance has been lying to you?

tellarion Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 1:10:13

Sov, you know you can fairly reliably track restarts, right? Would you like me to show you how to do it?

tellarion Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 1:10:54

And you're right, his latest restart is not tagged Sof yet. His previous 3 countries were, though.



Jun 29th 2014, 1:11:34

Just because the facts dont support your theory, doesn't mean Doc is misdirecting. Do you have some kind of FACT to offer up? I personally have not seen scode in sof.he asked you for evidence so we could take care of it if he slipped in somehow. The only evidence you provided was that of a country that was NOT tagged SOF.

WArriOR Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 1:27:38

"and an offer from Sof to help kill his country(which never really happened). But hey, one set later and all is forgiven!"

Actually we killed him 2 times after he restarted to please fluff off, and 2 if you have proof of Iscode in SoF please show it to us "That is not an abuse of your mod powers". He has been deactivated on oursite and has not been in given the tag.

Please private message SoV/WG or my self any proof you have. This is not the place for a MOD to be calling accusations.
Ninja Kicked the Dam Rabbit



Jun 29th 2014, 1:40:09

So how do you know his previous 3 countries? I checked into #659 and it is a from scratch restart. Started with 100 acres.

I think we need to know how this information was came by immediately. It sounds like an investigation is needed. I also wonder if Evo will be deleted when the answer comes out. So do tell, who is abusing mod tools? Qzjul leaking information again? What do we have going on here?

Sov Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 1:41:23

Originally posted by tellarion:

Oh man, you never fail to deliver, Sov. So you never gave scode logs of our conversations...then why does he have them? Or is he just saying 'TELLARION BETRAYED YOU' with literally zero evidence? If that is the case, then I am sorry for my assertions. Also, if that is the case, then wtf was the point?

So what you are saying is you intentionally lied to everyone here on AT about logs being given to MD? It would not surprise me, as I said in an earlier post you think that lying is an effective political tool.

Originally posted by tellarion:

So the guy who infiltrates your rivals tag, suicides on everyone but Sof(while your HFA makes out like a fkn bandit in the process), then brags about it on AT isn't disgraced? I'm glad you're being honest about the type of member you prefer. I seem to recall you speaking out against his actions last set, and an offer from Sof to help kill his country(which never really happened). But hey, one set later and all is forgiven!

You can continue to make assumptions and put words in my mouth all you want. He did not break game rules and he did not cheat. He is an asshole and pulled a dirty move, but so many others have done similar or worse.

Originally posted by tellarion:

See, did I not just say that you wouldn't answer the question directly? Instead of answering a simple yes or no question, you say TELLARION IS ABUSING HIS MOD POWERS! LOOK EVERYONE!

Sov, stop with the games and answer this question: Has scode been playing countries in the Sof tag this set?

If you believe he hasn't, then you need to do an internal investigation, because you've been duped! If you know he has, then you've been lying for the past month about his 'punishment'. So which is it? Are you lying or are you just incompetent, and someone in your alliance has been lying to you?

We have seen no evidence that he has been playing in SoF and none of you have presented us evidence despite me asking for it on numerous occasions. Instead you just point the finger and sprout off from the mouth. Put up or shut up. You may have evidence we don't have, give it to us. But if you have broken the rules in gaining that evidence, you are worse than he is and you deserve to be called to account for it.

As a mod you have a higher responsibility than the rest of us and quite frankly I do not believe you are to be trusted being a mod as you have shown that you will stoop to very low levels just to achieve your own political gain.

Sov Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 1:42:23

Originally posted by Symac:
So how do you know his previous 3 countries? I checked into #659 and it is a from scratch restart. Started with 100 acres.

I think we need to know how this information was came by immediately. It sounds like an investigation is needed. I also wonder if Evo will be deleted when the answer comes out. So do tell, who is abusing mod tools? Qzjul leaking information again? What do we have going on here?

Totally agree.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 29th 2014, 2:02:51

I am not a mod for the alliance server, genius. So please continue leveling the 'OMG MOD ABUSE' card that you guys love to play; it won't get you anywhere.

But seriously, if you think I, or any other mod, have 'abused' our powers, please bring it up with martian. I would love for you to waste his time with a witch hunt whose sole purpose is to misdirect and deceive everyone.

I never claimed scode 'cheated'. He did something that most alliances would find reprehensible. I would never let someone who did that into my tag, and certainly not a mere set after they pulled a stunt like that.


EE Patron

Jun 29th 2014, 2:19:56 for perspective?