
Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 7:06:20

Should probably wait and then follow up by doing 20 hour logins until the time shifts back to normal.

afaik Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 7:42:16

it depends how many turns you need to take... a handful: probably not worth waiting. a high number: definitely wait.

bushel consumption on a techer is typically lower than most anyway (landthin and lower than avg military per nw).. certainly compared to fat commies or obviously cashers.

the stronger mitigating factor with techer is that you can tech the turns = more income the next day, so the penalty is comparatively lower (than other strats who produce while attacking)

OneMansArmy Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 8:21:49

Scraped up just enough ~$65 food to make some grabs. What the hell Farmers? Prices on Agricultural tech has fallen pretty good so what gives with the huge spike all of a sudden?
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 10:19:34

@OMA: Techers are slowing down their grabbing and starting to stockpile. Food shoots up because Techers are making so much money there isn't enough food.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 11:35:14

farmers need to grow.


EE Patron

Jan 30th 2013, 12:52:06

I feel like food, military, and tech prices changed substantially overnight yesterday.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Rob Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 15:16:44

No kidding. I was very surprised to log in today to see military much cheaper, tech going down pretty fast and bushel prices completely out of control.

I pick a farmer to win now haha, im flaky

Rob Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 15:19:35

Thinking about it, its probably techers buying up bushels causing the cashers and commies being unable to play, thus unable to buy tech causing tech prices to come down significantly, not to mention an increased supply


EE Patron

Jan 30th 2013, 15:30:02

None of the big techers have stopped attacking or even really slowed... but interesting thought on the food outages and non-selling military goods preventing the commies/cashers from buying tech causing a tech price drop.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 16:36:32

I haven't bought tech for quite a while.
The EEVIL Empire

Magellaan Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 16:40:51

<- NGC 224

I failed my retal on Serp :(
Made a basic calc error in my excitement lol. But he more than doubled his turret amount in 40 hours, doesn't make it easy haha.

Retal on James Craig was super easy, the one on Bobby wasn't too hard either despite him pumping turrets. He also gave away how many turrets he had and that he had a lousy D-ally in that other thread. When he posted that I decided to go after him first lol.

I've been looking at oldman's dict farmer of last set as a reference and I was only 1 day behind on him in nw and land when I got hammered, so with the market prices as they were I thought my country was fairly decent. Figured I could still retal if I dropped some rank in order to get tech up so I didn't expect to get hit like this at all lol. But next time I will make sure to look a less appealing target because this stuff really didn't help my netting.

Shame I failed one retal but still got two more to go :)
Still going to fight for a good finish!

Not MD, fake Magellaan.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 16:49:59

bah c'mon Magellaan! I was counting on a nice retal on EEVIL:P But nice retal on me. I thought my posts might make me the next retal (sidebar: while I do play to win, I obviously don't keep a low profile. For me the cost/benefit is worth it to me, more fun to play and chat with everyone and compare e-peens then quietly net heh...)

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 16:55:40

btw are you going resource decay bonus? That's what really helped oldman last set.

Magellaan Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 17:04:54

Im getting the expenses bonus.. resource decay might have been better I guess. I didnt think that through to be honest.

This is only my second set in primary so Im still a semi-noob.. and it's been really hard playing a fasc farmer lol. At least the market is going in the right direction for me now.
Not MD, fake Magellaan.

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 17:16:54

I actually thought about exploring 15 turns to get to over 13 m turrets, but figured what i had would be enough with your production. The gamble payed off this time. Exploring right now would be a waste.

It's funny, when I saw the attack in the news it got my heart rate jacked for a second, until I saw the DH.

Yesterday I held off on making a sale until after you hit bobby or myself. Not sure if you coulda broke 9.5m+allies & tech or not, but I knew if bobby looked more tempting I might be saved. Then could sell and make 5 m more by today.

Definitely some excitement here has made the round fun already. Hehe. Good job hunting us down. :p

The EEVIL Empire


EE Patron

Jan 30th 2013, 17:29:55

Serp you lucky devil!
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 17:32:57

Yeah man. It's been 2 mornings of refreshing my iPhone every few mins waiting for news.
The EEVIL Empire


EE Patron

Jan 30th 2013, 17:37:37

Sounds like you maybe weren't out of his range as much as he made a miscalculation. Hoo boy! :)
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Magellaan Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 17:38:02

Yea, I caused quite a stir it seems :)
I felt I had no choice but to hunt you guys down. Once you get hit like that you don't have much time to respond, it's a pretty brutal server for newcomers.

I wouldn't have been able to break you today even if I had done the calc right Serp. But even so I wasn't that far off. I'm fairly certain I could have gotten you if I had waited another 12 hours to get another food sale in. But ifs dont count.
Not MD, fake Magellaan.

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 17:52:24

If you didn't attack this morning I planned on selling jets only and exploring those 15 turns (to 13m+) plus whatever turns I accumulated (12hrs= +2.6m more turrets) until you hit one of the other guys. But if you didn't hit one of them, then I'd have to sit there exploring all day. Basically running like a little biatch. Lol. It'd almost be worth taking the Retal by the next day to get grabbing properly again. Lol

The EEVIL Empire

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 17:54:58

Good hunting either way. I was very worried my estimating your production this morning was going to be off. I'd have kicked my own @ss.
The EEVIL Empire

Magellaan Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 18:08:30

I think crest put it nicely. You can either bend over or shoot yourself in the foot trying to outrun.
Even if I failed I wonder if it was worth it for you. Except for maybe sending the signal to your targets that you're not going to let yourself be retalled easily.
Not MD, fake Magellaan.

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 19:13:40

If I stopped LGing totally, then it wasn't worth it, and I should've just bend over. but I decided to keep going with what I had and hope for the best on the retal. Either way its risky business.

Well, everyone now knows not to touch your country. I don't think you'll have to worry about that anymore.
The EEVIL Empire

h2orich Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 2:15:00

If you fail, try again! Kill Serp!

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 3:11:52

Hey??? Lol
The EEVIL Empire

smlandau84 Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 3:20:09

Im going to find you h20.

Cross server hatred just for you ;)

h2orich Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 4:38:11

Originally posted by smlandau84:
Im going to find you h20.

Cross server hatred just for you ;)

Dont bother, I'm not gonna finish well enough for you to destroy it

oldman Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 12:30:40

Interesting set so far.

>$3000 tech for the first month
>$150 jets/turrets for the first 3 weeks
food jumping to over $50 when the first month is not even over
Oil has stayed relatively quiet so far, with average of $150 over the last 72 hours, which is pretty normal I would say.


EE Patron

Jan 31st 2013, 12:36:19

Yeah and military dropped from $150 to $120 and tech dropped from $3000 to $2500 in a matter of two days.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Rob Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 13:00:14

Once tech starts going down - its downhill pretty fast till it gets to around 1.8k from past experience.
Military is down too, only food up dramatically

I'll take this any day over the previous situation of super expensive tech and military

The only thing is farmers are way too strong at these prices so damn early in the set - cant see the price coming down, which means i cant see past a win for a certain farmer

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 16:55:20

Next thing you know, every market will crash and the cashers will dominate. Lol
The EEVIL Empire

LATC Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 18:47:57

ARGH FML I forgot to change SS to PS and failed and lost like 200k jets lkjsd;lkjfal;kjsdklfja;lj
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

OneMansArmy Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 19:27:19

This market is very hard for me to predict.. I wasn't expecting tech to fall so fast. Why would people put tech on the market for like ~$800 less than the average price for that tech was going for that night? I was also not expecting food to go from like $37-$47 overnight either.. Oil I thought would have gone above $200 by now, but it seems to be holding pretty stable. Along with it all came the drastic drop in military prices, which benefits me, but was also unexpected..
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 19:45:53

well I tried to set my production to 5% spies and 95% jets for about 15 turns last night and found out it only accepted the 5% spies. I spent 15 turns producing 0 jets! That was unpredictable... bye bye 1 million net worth.

The EEVIL Empire

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 19:48:36

ouch haha. That sucks Serpentor. Pretty large difference in jet market versus turret market over last few days. That just can't continue once people realize this.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 19:49:31

I always do 100% spies, then 100% jets then 100% turrets. I swear one of these days I'm gonna forget the first switch and before I know it have 2.5M spies...

herbs12 Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 19:53:07

New rule to myself from this sets test. I will always run a tech start, coming right out the gate grabbing is brutal and not a pleasant experience.

Never again, it doesn't compete at all to a tech start. Run out of targets quick, tech sucks all pre game to mid game. Your expenses are higher, your more prone to retals later in the set and have all eyes on your country because you sit at the top for the first month.

Just miserable, who ever ran a tech start will have such a significant advantage in the second half of this set.

smlandau84 Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 23:41:43

No way, oiler is best. KoH is getting ready to pull ahead.

BobbyATA Game profile


Feb 1st 2013, 0:30:01

what's up with TJC. He just hasn't been the same since he got retal'd.

crest23 Game profile


Feb 1st 2013, 0:41:34

A lot of countries haven't been the same since they got retaled.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Magellaan Game profile


Feb 1st 2013, 0:47:30

I hope I didnt discourage him, think he displayed great netting ability this set and he should go for the number 1 (commie) spot :)
Not MD, fake Magellaan.

The Cloaked Game profile


Feb 1st 2013, 0:56:46

He's still playing. I assume he's taking the time to either tech up or convert his junk acres. A few days ago most of the big commies were running with 5k+ junk acres.

Though I haven't obtained an op from him so I can't be certain.

I believe he did the same around this time last set when he was topfed.

herbs12 Game profile


Feb 1st 2013, 1:08:24

I believe it can be extremely strategic at this point to slow down grabbing. It allows you to increase cash flow, save targets to be grabbed for later. Increase tech levels fast and stock some cheap oil/ bushels when available.

Apart from that it takes eyes of the said country for being the fattest or biggest net worth. Also can keep expenses down for a couple days as to sell of all jets turret up and spend time as I call it on self maintenance towards the individual country.

Also on a final note at this point once you pass the 40k acre mark buildings cost move upwards fast. To keep grabbing and leave messy buildings or unbuilt acres in order to grab more can be very costly. Especially since military has plummeted and bushels have jumbled fast and hard.

Need to keep production pristine with full built in order to make more cash from the low market values of the military now. At 150 per jet and turret it's easy to keep going with a messy country were now its not.

Sometimes a 24h to 48h hiatious is the best choice.

A dh always sucks also regardless of when it is :d

BobbyATA Game profile


Feb 1st 2013, 1:15:58

ya great points all on the benefit of slowing down a bit, sometimes its hard to not just chase land lead to detriment of your country. That said 3 grabs and less then 800 acres isn't a good show, not to call the guy, we all have our bad days!

I really do think there is something to be said for keeping clean all set, in terms of no acres not of your production type. I'm going to try harder at that next set.

Magellaan Game profile


Feb 1st 2013, 1:20:40

Not every top commie has unbuilt acres though, but some do yes. Tech levels also varied quite a bit.
Cant share too much info from spyops but Quarantine was looking best in these aspects.
Not MD, fake Magellaan.

Karim Game profile


Feb 1st 2013, 7:14:46

It's not actually easy to keep finding good targets at this point, if you aim at not attacking twice the same country in the set.

You need more jets to break, more oil, higher expenses for all the military needed.
-[Panzer Division MD]-

BobbyATA Game profile


Feb 1st 2013, 15:55:27

we really have basically run out of targets who can't retal heh.

Magellaan Game profile


Feb 2nd 2013, 22:43:36

heh I just got grabbed again. I don't get it haha, maybe he's trying to landtrade or something.
Not MD, fake Magellaan.


EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2013, 22:54:51

Originally posted by Magellaan:
heh I just got grabbed again. I don't get it haha, maybe he's trying to landtrade or something.
It's such a pain when someone forces a costly land trade on you. Cases where it's obvious you can and will retal and they won't gain that much and they hit you anyway, I just don't get it.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Karim Game profile


Feb 3rd 2013, 6:46:23

Maybe he has really low def? I find dumb sitting on a lot of land with ridiculous def amount.
-[Panzer Division MD]-