Oct 25 - Dec 23
Oct 23 - Oct 27
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Oct 2 - Oct 30
Active countries: 2973
Currently Logged in: 186

Game Profile for m0bzta on the Team Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Second

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100147#3
Top 1012#34
Best 3$60,162,235#70
Attack Success84.28%#344
Pop Killed15,469,482#9

Countries on this server

172 2 mobrule (#5) 21,874$41,169,025 H Bad4U
171 5 mobrule (#28) 22,908$42,392,381 H Bad4U
170 9 neversilence mob (#23) 14,151$21,477,442 H Bad4U
169 23 mobrule (#16) 21,164$3,099,867 M Bad4U
168 28 Crippler Got mob Drunk (#9) 21,671$13,102,555 F Bad4U
167 13 ashe is the badass (#29) 1238$34,579,790 H Bad4U
166 8 B A D 4 U (#6) 1326$43,037,845 H Bad4U
165 6 mob you need to jump now (#2) 77$20,273,906 H Bad4U
164 26 mobrule (#30) 8895$2,995,373 M Bad4U
163 11 mobrule (#8) 104$35,856,359 H Bad4U
162 9 mob Drunk no way (#32) 303$47,567,726 H Bad4U
161 23 Crippler Got mob Drunk (#22) 9838$5,831,035 T Bad4U
160 33 more doors or wheels (#6) 22,636$3,424,507 F Bad4U
159 12 allbymyself with Superfly (#17) 861$35,270,862 M Bad4U
158 16 Breaking News mob is dead (#21) 56$48,570,550 H Bad4U
157 8 Crippler Got mob Drunk (#4) 34$54,615,989 H Bad4U
156 12 neversilence mob (#7) 65$21,667,185 H Bad4U
155 3 mob is BAD4U (#23) 43$56,180,376 H Bad4U
154 7 Izzy comeback JJ comeback (#42) 32$62,547,430 H Bad4U
153 9 Aturan you are not the Father (#46) 76$50,420,542 H Bad4U
152 13 Crippler Got mob Drunk (#4) 188$33,468,819 H Bad4U
151 25 Ashe wins again (#30) 12,255$10,441,593 H Bad4U
150 15 ashe is my DADDY (#9) 274$36,165,514 H Bad4U
149 11 Mob Will Win (#18) 266$45,664,683 H Bad4U
148 15 Mob Helped me WiN (#6) 20,796$36,248,108 H Bad4U
147 11 Beer Goes in My BELLY (#23) 3631$26,303,063 H Bad4U
146 15 more doors or wheels (#21) 2586$35,515,851 H Bad4U
145 29 mobrule (#16) 21,113$6,000,125 F Bad4U
144 15 mobrule (#15) 19$24,212,328 H Bad4U
143 17 Rejected Crusaders (#24) 16,280$12,888,927 I Badass
142 18 mobrule (#72) 10,327$2,520,445 T mob
142 mobrule (#7) 6763$756,698 T mob
141 27 mobrule (#77) 4355$710,157 M Bad4U
141 mobrule (#54) 8863$2,286,779 M Bad4U
141 mobrule (#5) 7477$2,030,517 I Bad4U
140 24 Mob will win (#22) 14,621$5,658,207 I Bad4U
139 17 Mob Why try you suck (#5) 909$22,633,385 H BAD4U
138 31 Demon likes Breast milk (#14) 15,610$3,358,480 F Bad4U
137 33 Demon likes Breast milk (#61) 2900$430,713 M Bad4U
137 29 Bad 4 Rasp (#55) 5106$1,182,194 M Bad4U
137 Breaking News (#42) 5963$1,650,066 M Bad4U
137 mobrule (#21) 7013$1,567,594 T Bad4U
136 17 mobrule (#12) 5312$5,946,459 I mob4u
135 23 slap that beaver good (#17) 3224$6,151,260 H Beaver
134 6 Sherita Told me TOOO (#22) 36$61,758,898 H Bad4U
133 6 JJ DA Boss (#17) 15$54,628,104 H Bad4U
132 36 mobrule (#65) 6309$1,575,644 I BaDAssss
132 brisco Midget (#18) 11,333$3,344,442 T BaDAssss
131 32 Breaking News (#27) 23,214$4,317,044 F BBFU

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism