Active countries: 2485
Currently Logged in: 194
Currently Logged in: 194
Game Profile for tostitochp on the Express Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: Forty-third
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $51,152,018 | #1209 |
Land | 221,558 | #606 |
Top 100 | 22 | #495 |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $3,905,801 | #2205 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
523 | 141 | 13 (#97) | 184 | $11,777 | M |
522 | 71 | 13 (#66) | 11,289 | $2,870,511 | RG |
521 | 104 | 13 (#115) | 8035 | $1,101,684 | I |
390 | 95 | RedPotato (#42) | 5063 | $1,310,516 | C |
389 | 101 | RedPotato (#106) | 3906 | $960,498 | R |
373 | 54 | Potatochips (#23) | 7972 | $565,662 | R |
372 | 43 | Blahpotatoes (#23) | 13,066 | $3,123,447 | R |
371 | 58 | Potatoes (#74) | 13,427 | $3,906,039 | R |
370 | 90 | notapotato (#106) | 9216 | $1,047,150 | R |
370 | PotatoPie (#20) | 4294 | $344,513 | T | |
367 | 88 | FatPotatoes (#22) | 4456 | $1,490,025 | R |
366 | mashpotatoes (#25) | 945 | $100,615 | C | |
365 | 69 | mashpotatoes (#106) | 10,718 | $2,066,401 | R |
362 | Potatoes (#20) | 652 | $69,755 | R | |
361 | 99 | My Country (#111) | 2921 | $1,117,644 | R |
359 | 91 | My Country (#118) | 4057 | $1,598,643 | M |
359 | Potatoes (#18) | 489 | $139,765 | R | |
358 | 110 | Potatoes (#10) | 2853 | $987,178 | I |
357 | 57 | Justanothercountry (#18) | 2603 | $1,193,501 | R |
354 | 79 | Blah (#36) | 9824 | $2,785,889 | M |
353 | 95 | Blah (#109) | 10,332 | $1,484,139 | M |
350 | 111 | Deer wth no eyes (#115) | 6945 | $904,596 | D |
349 | 87 | Justanothercountry (#47) | 12,270 | $2,030,718 | H |
347 | 76 | Justanothercountry (#54) | 8726 | $3,106,625 | H |
340 | 99 | Potatoes (#43) | 11,224 | $1,577,020 | R |
337 | 83 | Justanothercountry (#24) | 11,080 | $1,825,072 | R |
336 | 63 | Justanothercountry (#17) | 12,970 | $4,435,862 | MG |
335 | 87 | Justanothercountry (#16) | 10,255 | $1,689,424 | MG |
334 | 61 | Gambler (#20) | 13,064 | $2,807,762 | R |
333 | 64 | Gambler (#26) | 11,131 | $3,375,502 | R |
332 | 56 | Ezekiel (#89) | 3971 | $1,777,088 | R |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |