Active countries: 2434
Currently Logged in: 207
Currently Logged in: 207
Game Profile for caffeineaddict on the Free For All Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: 1631st
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $11,614,673 | #1056 |
Land | 86,874 | #854 |
Top 100 | Unranked | N/A |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $815,889 | #1320 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Kills | 0 | N/A |
Deaths | 3 | #1349 |
Pop Killed | 12,445 | #1341 |
Attacks | 110 | #1156 |
Missiles | 3 | #1308 |
Defends | 878 | #1302 |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
14 | 2601 | coffee test16 (#2530) | 1243 | $78,370 | M | |
14 | 2622 | coffee test15 (#2529) | 1031 | $65,962 | M | |
14 | 2587 | coffee test14 (#2528) | 1320 | $83,630 | M | |
14 | 2556 | coffee test13 (#2527) | 1495 | $94,106 | M | |
14 | 2545 | coffee test12 (#2526) | 1522 | $95,936 | M | |
14 | 2550 | coffee test11 (#2525) | 1511 | $95,386 | M | |
14 | 2544 | coffee test10 (#2524) | 1528 | $96,191 | M | |
14 | 2560 | coffee test9 (#2523) | 1476 | $93,228 | M | |
14 | 2604 | coffee test8 (#2522) | 1195 | $75,605 | M | |
14 | 2591 | coffee test7 (#2521) | 1294 | $81,436 | M | |
14 | 2592 | coffee test6 (#2520) | 1293 | $81,403 | M | |
14 | 2547 | coffee test5 (#2519) | 1513 | $95,515 | M | |
14 | 2549 | coffee test4 (#2518) | 1512 | $95,446 | M | |
14 | 2543 | coffee test3 (#2517) | 1542 | $96,841 | M | |
14 | 2564 | coffee test2 (#2516) | 1460 | $91,823 | M | |
14 | 2548 | coffee test1 (#2515) | 1512 | $95,470 | M | |
13 | 2207 | coffee test16 (#4548) | 2020 | $166,343 | M | |
13 | 2195 | coffee test15 (#4547) | 2020 | $168,875 | M | |
13 | 2184 | coffee test14 (#4546) | 2020 | $171,855 | M | |
13 | 2206 | coffee test13 (#4545) | 2020 | $166,387 | M | |
13 | 2196 | coffee test12 (#4544) | 2020 | $167,796 | M | |
13 | 2204 | coffee test11 (#4543) | 2020 | $166,802 | M | |
13 | 2205 | coffee test10 (#4542) | 2020 | $166,784 | M | |
13 | 2186 | coffee test9 (#4541) | 2020 | $171,794 | M | |
13 | 2201 | coffee test8 (#4540) | 2020 | $166,836 | M | |
13 | 2203 | coffee test7 (#4539) | 2020 | $166,822 | M | |
13 | 2185 | coffee test6 (#4538) | 2020 | $171,823 | M | |
13 | 2192 | coffee test5 (#4537) | 2020 | $169,361 | M | |
13 | 2202 | coffee test4 (#4536) | 2020 | $166,824 | M | |
13 | 2194 | coffee test3 (#4535) | 2020 | $168,992 | M | |
13 | 2200 | coffee test2 (#4534) | 2020 | $166,874 | M | |
13 | 2106 | coffee test1 (#4533) | 2040 | $269,809 | M | |
11 | 2154 | coffee1 (#5532) | 1540 | $163,030 | M | |
11 | 1983 | coffee13 (#4720) | 1780 | $316,973 | D | |
11 | 1631 | coffee12 (#3180) | 4039 | $885,811 | D | |
11 | 1682 | coffee11 (#3179) | 2040 | $728,659 | D | |
11 | 1838 | coffee10 (#3063) | 2449 | $463,394 | M | |
11 | 1707 | coffee9 (#3062) | 2481 | $692,298 | M | |
11 | 1949 | coffee8 (#3061) | 1991 | $346,376 | M | |
11 | 1827 | coffee7 (#3060) | 2461 | $478,731 | M | |
11 | 1733 | coffee6 (#3059) | 2461 | $638,778 | M | |
11 | 1848 | coffee5 (#3058) | 1826 | $451,120 | M | |
11 | 1644 | coffee4 (#3057) | 2046 | $833,196 | M | |
11 | 1800 | coffee3 (#3056) | 2707 | $534,898 | M | |
11 | 1703 | coffee2 (#3055) | 2156 | $704,262 | H | |
11 | coffee1 (#3054) | 2143 | $261,310 | M | ||
8 | 2958 | type 3 (#3209) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
8 | 2656 | type 2 (#3208) | 160 | $7417 | M | |
8 | 2585 | type 1 (#3207) | 260 | $11,996 | I | |
8 | Coffee 7 (#2863) | 100 | $7617 | C | ||
8 | Coffee 6 (#2862) | 100 | $8140 | M | ||
8 | Coffee 5 (#2861) | 120 | $8684 | H | ||
8 | Coffee 4 (#2860) | 304 | $26,885 | H | ||
8 | Coffee 3 (#2859) | 201 | $16,166 | D | ||
8 | Coffee 2 (#2234) | 417 | $32,749 | H | ||
8 | Coffee 1 (#2233) | 120 | $5567 | H | ||
7 | 1894 | cortisol5 (#7975) | 404 | $31,887 | H | |
7 | 2072 | cortisol4 (#7972) | 189 | $12,101 | H | |
7 | cortisol2 (#7894) | 0 | $2957 | H | ||
7 | 1684 | cortisol2 (#7893) | 997 | $98,704 | H | |
7 | cortisol (#7874) | 0 | $603 | H |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |