Active countries: 2443
Currently Logged in: 195
Currently Logged in: 195
Game Profile for Mutt Lee on the Free For All Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: 1643rd
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $11,544,566 | #1057 |
Land | 81,290 | #871 |
Top 100 | Unranked | N/A |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $1,183,811 | #1206 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Kills | 0 | N/A |
Deaths | 23 | #545 |
Pop Killed | 73,566 | #1046 |
Attacks | 78 | #1238 |
Missiles | 19 | #944 |
Defends | 3892 | #680 |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
26 | 2070 | Missouri (#2229) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
26 | 2069 | Ohio (#2228) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
26 | 2068 | Maryland (#2227) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
26 | 2067 | Texas (#2226) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
26 | 2066 | Virginia (#2225) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
26 | 2065 | West Virginia (#2224) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
26 | 2064 | Kentucky (#2223) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
26 | 2063 | Arkansas (#2222) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
26 | 2062 | North Carolina (#2221) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
26 | 2061 | Tennessee (#2220) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
26 | 1821 | Mississippi (#2219) | 140 | $11,842 | T | |
26 | 1828 | Louisiana (#2218) | 100 | $8470 | D | |
26 | 1822 | South Carolina (#2217) | 100 | $10,942 | R | |
26 | 1826 | Alabama (#2216) | 100 | $9070 | C | |
26 | 1829 | Georgia (#2215) | 100 | $8468 | F | |
26 | 1825 | Florida (#2214) | 120 | $9629 | H | |
11 | 2049 | mutt butt (#4457) | 1666 | $268,884 | HG | |
11 | 1829 | ellie may (#4456) | 3857 | $471,762 | RG | |
11 | 1955 | little gimp (#4455) | 3496 | $340,111 | HG | |
11 | 1904 | sadeyes (#4454) | 3726 | $395,649 | MG | |
11 | 2170 | dbulin (#4453) | 1767 | $148,141 | HG | |
11 | 2179 | UsmcII (#4452) | 1678 | $138,333 | HG | |
11 | 1943 | uscg (#4451) | 3606 | $351,962 | CG | |
11 | 1900 | usafr (#4450) | 3650 | $397,172 | HG | |
11 | 2062 | usar (#4449) | 2311 | $253,441 | CG | |
11 | 2102 | usnr (#4448) | 1917 | $202,909 | DG | |
11 | 2158 | the guard (#4447) | 1857 | $156,990 | FG | |
11 | 1876 | usmcr (#4446) | 3721 | $416,239 | HG | |
11 | 1751 | usaf (#4445) | 3811 | $596,743 | CG | |
11 | 1808 | usa (#4444) | 3706 | $514,287 | RG | |
11 | 1679 | usn (#4443) | 5806 | $739,234 | CG | |
11 | 1651 | usmc (#4442) | 6541 | $809,585 | HG | |
9 | 2247 | tree houses and gardens (#4119) | 1849 | $199,065 | C | |
9 | 2257 | tigger and pooh land (#4118) | 2145 | $183,778 | C | |
9 | 2457 | one seedy neighborhood (#4117) | 1010 | $70,796 | R | |
9 | 2542 | the Hollars of the Smokies (#4116) | 458 | $40,113 | M | |
9 | 2533 | billie bad ass (#4115) | 474 | $42,412 | T | |
9 | 2561 | Bloodhounds (#4114) | 487 | $36,044 | F | |
9 | 2339 | THE ALAMO (#4113) | 1465 | $126,023 | R | |
8 | PARIS TN (#4801) | 4837 | $1,446,060 | I | ||
8 | U WISH U WAS N TN (#4800) | 6918 | $1,048,644 | R | ||
8 | TENNESSEE (#4799) | 7621 | $1,354,255 | F | ||
8 | N THE COUNTRY N TN (#4798) | 5646 | $1,471,817 | M | ||
8 | GODS COUNTRY TN (#4797) | 5625 | $1,161,634 | C | ||
8 | 1663 | BFE TN (#4796) | 6880 | $1,137,238 | M | |
8 | NASHVILLE TN (#4795) | 3746 | $1,246,838 | H | ||
8 | SOUTHSIDE TN (#4794) | 3300 | $1,384,966 | R | ||
8 | CUMBERLAND CITY TN (#4793) | 3942 | $1,393,180 | C | ||
8 | 1643 | CUNNINGHAM TN (#4792) | 4478 | $1,282,099 | I | |
8 | ERIN TN (#4791) | 7706 | $1,019,826 | F | ||
8 | WAVERLY TN (#4790) | 6099 | $1,607,686 | T | ||
8 | CLARKSVILLE TN (#4789) | 3835 | $1,525,211 | R | ||
8 | 1696 | PALMYRA TN (#4788) | 409 | $959,567 | D | |
8 | DOVER TN (#4787) | 8390 | $1,853,249 | I | ||
8 | 1666 | T V A (#4786) | 6259 | $1,132,096 | C | |
8 | bikini bottom (#3219) | 6661 | $2,197,531 | I | ||
8 | dover tennessee (#3218) | 5034 | $2,240,441 | D | ||
8 | grannies house (#3217) | 4671 | $985,720 | R | ||
8 | jacks heaven (#3216) | 5171 | $1,958,385 | F | ||
8 | tee vee aye (#3215) | 5616 | $2,255,330 | R | ||
8 | steed ranch (#3214) | 5225 | $2,330,745 | R | ||
8 | mickeens mommas house (#3213) | 5583 | $1,962,257 | I | ||
8 | lynnville (#3212) | 5339 | $1,472,072 | T | ||
8 | ceiborn station (#3211) | 5214 | $2,019,440 | I | ||
8 | no mos ville (#3210) | 5152 | $1,939,659 | I | ||
7 | 3119 | BILLI THE MEAN KIY (#7880) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
7 | 3118 | ANDON LEE (#7879) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
7 | 3117 | cassie lee (#7878) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
7 | 3116 | gage lee (#7877) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
7 | 3115 | lynn lee (#7876) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
7 | 3114 | mutt lee (#7875) | 100 | $4717 | M |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |