Active countries: 2444
Currently Logged in: 193
Currently Logged in: 193
Game Profile for Malakaya on the Express Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: Twenty-third
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $192,393,456 | #499 |
Land | 337,248 | #399 |
Top 100 | 24 | #450 |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $13,325,858 | #755 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
717 | 75 | Maliakh (#32) | 14,735 | $4,946,918 | FG |
716 | 68 | 36 (#16) | 16,974 | $8,528,032 | FG |
715 | 80 | 100 (#73) | 14,089 | $2,656,007 | FG |
712 | 92 | Maliakh (#93) | 120 | $5617 | MG |
711 | 67 | Maliakh (#44) | 14,437 | $9,465,138 | FG |
710 | 88 | Maliakh (#102) | 12,351 | $2,440,652 | TG |
709 | 95 | Maliakh (#41) | 11,635 | $1,613,122 | FG |
708 | 82 | Maliakh (#84) | 14,960 | $3,504,735 | FG |
707 | 74 | Maliakh (#34) | 16,963 | $6,648,362 | FG |
706 | 72 | MeMeoEnLaTuaMaMa (#21) | 10,737 | $2,453,532 | FG |
705 | 25 | Maliakh (#13) | 15,220 | $7,288,595 | FG |
704 | 75 | 43 (#44) | 16,925 | $6,973,421 | FG |
703 | 54 | 68 (#90) | 16,584 | $13,064,259 | FG |
702 | 46 | 17 (#17) | 14,563 | $13,657,335 | FG |
701 | 23 | 44 (#17) | 12,474 | $10,133,506 | FG |
700 | 59 | Maliakh (#14) | 11,905 | $10,348,696 | FG |
699 | 69 | Maliakh (#12) | 14,269 | $11,563,177 | FG |
698 | 79 | Maliakh (#14) | 13,865 | $10,036,061 | FG |
697 | 64 | Maliakh (#18) | 12,236 | $9,978,944 | FG |
696 | 49 | Maliakh (#8) | 13,792 | $13,063,066 | FG |
695 | 78 | Maliakh (#21) | 11,008 | $9,319,867 | FG |
694 | 57 | Maliakh (#36) | 14,904 | $12,491,220 | FG |
693 | 51 | Butt Hole (#5) | 12,272 | $13,255,981 | FG |
692 | 101 | Maliakh (#109) | 8582 | $1,175,564 | FG |
692 | Maliakh (#48) | 5374 | $615,216 | FG | |
691 | 80 | Maliakh (#100) | 14,174 | $6,285,661 | RG |
690 | 101 | Maliakh (#105) | 7474 | $1,495,988 | RG |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |