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Top Clans - Team
Next Reset | Seventieth round: Dec 03, 2015 - Jan 02, 2016 | Prev Reset |
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Top 20 (out of 20) clans ranked by member count | |||||
Name | Tag | Members | Total Worth | Avg Worth | GDI |
World War II Villains | VILLAINS | 5 | $224,489,089 | $44,897,818 | |
DrunkSex | DrunkSex | 5 | $47,597,589 | $9,519,518 | |
The Letter T is for Top Ten | Top10 | 5 | $183,284,128 | $36,656,826 | |
The Elders | Elders | 5 | $56,759,810 | $11,351,962 | |
weedy netgaining alliance | weedylar | 5 | $182,597,685 | $36,519,537 | |
T | 5 | $9,217,687 | $1,843,537 | ||
Valhalla | V | 4 | $10,926,577 | $2,731,644 | |
The Kings Order | TKOwnd | 4 | $178,694,472 | $44,673,618 | |
Heroes | Heroes | 4 | $65,617,368 | $16,404,342 | |
Explore 2 Net | E2N | 4 | $142,250,601 | $35,562,650 | |
Baddass and Deadly | xBaDx | 3 | $80,622,247 | $26,874,082 | |
i like U ABC | uUu | 3 | $6,456,063 | $2,152,021 | |
Better Elders | BElders | 3 | $31,005,106 | $10,335,035 | |
rybka | R | 3 | $1,791,417 | $597,139 | |
nations | xyz | 2 | $1,494,397 | $747,199 | |
The Zodiac Killers | Z | 2 | $4,734,721 | $2,367,361 | |
VILLAINZ | VILLAINZ | 1 | $20,967 | $20,967 | |
SALAD SHREDDER | SS | 1 | $678,890 | $678,890 | |
really old | OLD | 1 | $17,387,279 | $17,387,279 | |
One Attack is all it takes | ACTOFWAR | 1 | $13,244,025 | $13,244,025 |