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I have a defense Ally, and they are just trucking through the round, all-x, no problems. Hungry decides to start farming the Ally. 10-20 hits, whatever. Now each hit is taking my military. NW is dropping, troop levels falling. So...do I abandon Ally so as to stop losing my own defense (opens me to getting grabbed also)? Or do I hit the Hungry with some grabs? Your posts tell me that's collusion. So what are my options?
If you are hitting hungry to police for you ally that is collusion. Its collusion no matter if you get deleted for it or not.
Remember that if you attack Hungry it can be for many reasons. If that hit(or those hits) is clearly benefical to your country, no one can say you shouldnt have hit him unless you message him saying "retal for your attacks on my ally" or something equally as stupid.
If you start trading hits with him at the expense of your country, to save your ally by outnumbering the aggressor, that will look suspicious and even if you dont get deleted its bad for you, so why would you do that unless you are playing a team game in a solo server?
If you are looking at these two deleted countries, they were the aggressors and by not accepting retals from #38 and each hitting #38 with RORs together, they forced him to war both of them in a 1vs2. This is why the practice is deeply unfair and why it is against the rules. Don't do this. This is a solo server.
None of this is close to being grey. Don't invent a grey space just for the sake of it. I have never had to think about NOT colluding with anyone, it just happens naturally when playing with fair intentions, you have to essentially think of colluding with people to collude with them, so dont. Very simple.
TLDR; Pick a better ally, hit hungry or don't but not to police for your ally.