Active countries: 2451
Currently Logged in: 192
Currently Logged in: 192
Game Profile for Yodal33t on the Tournament Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: Fifth
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $436,864,635 | #41 |
Land | 437,531 | #32 |
Top 10 | 20 | #26 |
Best 3 | $23,224,491 | #75 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Game |
167 | 20 | Yodal33t (#14) | 14,741 | $2,530,508 | FG | A |
166 | 6 | Yodal33t (#10) | 18,517 | $19,443,408 | FG | A |
165 | 1 | Yodal33t (#7) | 17,800 | $23,305,814 | FG | B |
164 | 9 | Yodal33t (#9) | 18,370 | $16,135,154 | FG | A |
163 | 6 | Yodal33t (#11) | 18,260 | $18,695,048 | FG | A |
162 | 2 | Yodal33t (#17) | 17,081 | $16,620,536 | FG | C |
161 | 10 | Yodal33t (#14) | 18,222 | $16,610,990 | FG | A |
160 | 7 | Yodal33t (#18) | 20,241 | $22,427,427 | RG | A |
159 | 9 | Yodal33t (#13) | 17,143 | $16,577,334 | FG | A |
158 | 11 | Yodal33t (#19) | 17,910 | $18,958,118 | FG | A |
157 | 8 | Yodal33t (#24) | 17,559 | $21,665,070 | FG | A |
156 | 3 | Yodal33t (#4) | 17,375 | $22,216,764 | HG | C |
155 | 12 | Yodal33t (#19) | 17,328 | $21,212,517 | RG | A |
154 | 7 | Yodal33t (#18) | 17,100 | $22,769,997 | FG | A |
153 | 8 | Yodal33t (#2) | 16,758 | $17,193,287 | CG | A |
152 | 3 | Yodal33t (#8) | 15,558 | $14,479,742 | FG | B |
151 | 8 | Yodal33t (#11) | 16,682 | $21,376,685 | FG | A |
150 | 5 | Yodal33t (#16) | 17,610 | $24,457,890 | FG | A |
149 | 8 | Yodal33t (#9) | 18,706 | $16,340,196 | HG | A |
148 | 6 | Yodal33t (#12) | 18,868 | $19,639,385 | RG | A |
147 | 7 | Yodal33t (#13) | 17,609 | $21,214,673 | RG | A |
146 | 1 | Yodal33t (#6) | 18,289 | $18,442,062 | RG | B |
145 | 10 | Yodal33t (#9) | 15,708 | $13,167,986 | RG | A |
144 | 7 | Yodal33t (#14) | 17,208 | $13,801,534 | FG | A |
143 | 4 | Yodal33t (#11) | 14,008 | $14,131,601 | FG | B |
142 | 3 | Mammsi (#12) | 11,227 | $11,591,854 | HG | C |
141 | 14 | yodal33t (#11) | 5545 | $1,778,187 | CG | B |
140 | 19 | Yodal33t (#34) | 1572 | $173,311 | DG | B |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |