Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2442
Currently Logged in: 197

Game Profile for NukEvil on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Fourth

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10060#169
Top 104#265
Best 3$25,893,057#200
Attack Success95.21%#283

Countries on this server

484 11 JotLotHotDotBotGotCot (#49) 18,784$21,745,698 HG
462 52 scrub brush (#119) 13,380$5,506,949 F
458 11 excuse me i have an itch (#72) 12,418$18,133,980 TG
429 19 Shallow Water (#96) 15,172$9,243,923 I
382 60 nope nope nope nope nope nope (#78) 11,001$3,496,828 IG
371 93 No reason (#108) 1634$702,931 C
367 82 Smile (#112) 3820$1,762,878 I
365 74 Still Wasted (#121) 4856$1,895,524 T
365 Wasted (#114) 2365$275,042 T
364 6 highest of highs (#52) 7754$27,559,177 H
363 9 Wrinkled Up Barcode (#55) 14,320$24,981,976 DG
362 19 Oh Captain My Captain (#87) 13,370$11,266,590 HG
361 16 Shining Beacon (#48) 14,610$15,242,977 RG
360 7 NukEvil (#8) 14,259$25,138,017 TG
359 28 Sweet Sixteen (#17) 3838$9,671,606 DG
358 57 Punishment (#54) 12,900$4,540,352 TG
357 4 land mine (#36) 14,696$17,204,032 RG
356 22 Murder by Capitalism (#49) 16,876$10,838,733 RG
355 17 24hr retal policy enforced (#50) 16,737$13,977,306 CG
354 14 puppies and kittens (#88) 14,448$15,599,073 CG
353 103 teabag tunnel lolol lolol (#103) 5952$1,000,281 T
352 68 Justice Dispenser (#73) 12,823$4,514,370 T
350 28 sally (#51) 12,340$12,028,993 RG
349 19 bob (#110) 7936$14,917,594 CG
348 60 CHEAP OIL market spy 75 (#59) 11,398$5,113,963 FG
347 36 Causing Trouble (#51) 9167$8,331,352 FG
288 121 The Hero Express Deserves (#114) 2871$299,339 T
287 94 IDIOT NUMBER ONE (#100) 6263$1,483,963 T
279 78 tinyurlDOTcomSLASH4x4xwo2 (#77) 12,486$3,258,859 T
224 141 top10 baby (#63) 120$5617 M
223 164 abscess of the server (#163) 435$28,084 F
212 146 FREE DR 4 EVERYONE (#101) 120$5617 M
211 27 someone told me casher (#146) 11,260$13,588,545 RG
191 113 WARNING SUICIDER TANKS MISSILES (#121) 7704$1,775,301 I
186 83 Justice is served (#66) 14,283$4,486,161 T
185 80 Justice is served (#112) 9366$4,784,621 T
184 66 Justice is served (#167) 11,236$5,061,824 T
183 130 Street Pizza (#156) 5159$775,378 CG
182 78 shut up and take my land (#76) 14,915$4,569,732 RG
181 86 Douchebags Beware (#71) 9446$3,015,162 T
180 37 ComyIndy sucks RepCash allX ATW (#53) 13,990$10,747,315 RG
179 36 I thought I did this already (#116) 11,421$10,027,875 CG
178 50 Rep Casher AllX Top10 RightBro (#79) 12,420$7,584,732 RG
177 41 How do u play this game (#80) 13,589$9,332,259 RG
176 14 like eating a cockroach while pu (#116) 15,530$17,508,534 RG
169 97 Whistling Booger (#67) 6596$2,396,895 FG
168 114 I am a douchebag plz kill me (#49) 2054$1,063,722 I
167 23 FREE LAND 1jetPS 1hit only plz (#127) 11,803$12,705,874 RG
165 71 Just here for the fun (#152) 7752$4,060,600 I
164 162 test (#116) 100$4717 M
163 104 Hi Im here to ruin your reset (#56) 7379$1,788,156 CG
162 68 This isnt a Democracy (#58) 10,473$4,579,924 T
161 108 Holy Fart Flames Batman (#116) 6920$1,478,181 TG
153 55 tinyurlDOTcomSLASH4x4xwo2 (#39) 14,510$6,629,828 FG
142 118 I Humped A Sphinx Last Nite (#65) 5138$1,007,333 T
141 66 BioBuzzard from XI (#52) 15,166$6,236,442 TG
140 106 Land Redistribution Project One (#53) 7707$3,135,726 T
139 110 FREE LAND 1jet PS 1 hit only plz (#104) 11,810$2,201,034 RG
138 31 FREE LAND 1jet PS 1 hit only plz (#44) 12,817$12,232,678 RG
137 19 FREE LAND 1jet PS 1 hit only plz (#148) 14,630$14,538,783 RG
136 69 I am a doubletapper KILL ME NOW (#57) 11,014$4,946,182 IG
134 38 Phase 1 Phase 2 maybe Phase 3 (#25) 10,652$9,533,277 T
133 35 FREE LAND 1 hit only plz (#73) 11,912$10,744,014 RG
132 152 missiles and tanks (#42) 4758$841,557 T
131 144 I hope you like this (#168) 1753$211,917 C
131 77 missiles and tanks (#91) 8681$4,542,875 H
130 90 missiles and tanks (#51) 10,506$3,508,775 I
129 91 pointing and laughing at YOU (#56) 12,342$3,380,608 TG
127 127 missiles and tanks (#68) 6021$2,178,175 I
124 139 The Golden n00b (#22) 6581$1,543,044 T
122 83 Please give me a reason to kill (#70) 10,915$5,018,900 T
121 HAHA I KILLED U (#141) 1680$101,452 T
120 73 tinyurlDOTcomSLASH4x4xwo2 (#67) 7380$5,440,847 T
119 127 I am coming for you DS06 (#182) 5650$1,294,266 T
119 OneDoesNotSimplyRapeBadgers (#59) 6757$993,536 R
118 137 cute n cuddly (#69) 4549$962,405 CG
116 189 MeSuiciderPlzKillMeNow (#111) 100$4717 M
114 53 I R WoG NukEvil (#44) 10,218$7,854,353 RG
113 90 test (#127) 10,330$2,664,675 TG
79 89 urpa durpa (#144) 8294$4,020,307 TG
39 92 Humpy Dumpty sat on his BALLS (#110) 4591$925,534 I
28 98 test4stuff (#121) 6072$487,057 RG
12 114 HAHA1 (#166) 6326$894,305 C
12 108 OMG FTW LOL LAR ROFL n00b (#154) 0$1,054,340 C
4 98 HAHA I KILLED U ALL LAR (#84) 7470$756,724 R
3 55 HAHA I FOUND A BUG AND U DIDNT (#214) 9250$1,791,711 R
2 115 haha lul (#159) 4657$1,096,193 T
1 228 HAHA MARSHALL IS GONNA DIED (#511) 6885$922,373 T
1 399 HAHA I STOLE YOUR KILL AGAIN AND (#508) 0$52,841 T
1 398 HAHA I STOLE UR KILL AGAIN (#506) 0$53,847 MG
1 423 HAHA I STOLE UR KILL LOL (#501) 0$16,214 T
1 352 HURF DA GILLS (#330) 0$202,605 RG
1 521 omg i died (#223) 0$1 DG
1 518 omglololololololooool (#214) 0$342 R
1 520 lululululululululul (#213) 0$154 R
1 516 HURF DA GILLZZ (#205) 0$651 R
1 515 wigoiuwebnrguib (#199) 0$851 M
1 512 hehehelol (#198) 0$1503 T
1 437 holy crap of the beyondness (#197) 0$5979 M
1 514 nuke em allllllll (#57) 0$904 MG

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism