Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2453
Currently Logged in: 193

Game Profile for songtay on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Sixth

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10047#227
Top 106#213
Best 3$24,372,748#217
Attack Success95.69%#236

Countries on this server

605 105 j a m i e y e o (#87) 100$4717 MG
604 56 u m b r a g e (#48) 23,329$11,614,837 HG
603 70 e a s t c o a s t p l a n (#18) 42,835$9,651,258 FG
602 18 aribaba (#6) 41,857$16,701,532 FG
601 24 abu (#45) 33,003$16,196,150 FG
600 69 pripak (#11) 23,759$10,044,780 HG
599 85 arigato (#11) 6780$3,470,837 H
598 11 arirang (#15) 19,268$26,235,694 HG
597 11 dingdong (#15) 22,087$18,851,263 H
596 54 peepor (#26) 18,028$10,308,974 H
595 18 peepor (#25) 15,900$13,994,473 DG
594 50 nine ate seven and two won zero (#26) 23,226$9,280,299 TG
593 9 dingdang (#6) 16,273$17,606,870 H
592 8 porpee (#4) 33,572$18,213,179 CG
591 7 peepor (#10) 17,734$17,329,753 R
590 31 friendswithall (#9) 18,124$7,169,045 R
589 23 yatgnos (#94) 14,286$8,096,937 R
453 119 Dont hit me (#74) 340$28,298 H
452 48 Arsongnal (#14) 15,273$5,845,664 H
451 39 DeathfromEverywhere (#33) 15,596$6,371,103 HG
450 39 yatgnos (#36) 13,955$7,280,878 HG
449 22 DeathFromEverywhere (#24) 14,676$9,554,490 HG
448 6 DeathFromEverywhere (#15) 23,668$24,173,543 HG
447 11 FromEverywhere (#20) 19,124$18,644,192 HG
446 20 yatgnos (#19) 16,973$10,130,927 H
445 20 yatgnos (#20) 22,409$12,508,428 HG
444 17 ococor (#46) 18,746$11,162,862 HG
443 20 yatgnos (#57) 19,752$12,868,944 HG
442 9 lizo (#45) 15,959$20,208,180 HG
441 40 yatgnos (#25) 14,876$7,664,563 HG
440 26 Yatgnos (#36) 18,552$7,556,153 CG
439 23 VvV (#61) 24,102$10,731,729 FG
438 23 yagtnos (#28) 22,126$10,719,726 FG
437 20 Rococo (#43) 14,219$12,034,825 D
436 20 Aubamesong (#40) 20,128$12,370,841 RG
435 31 Simile (#70) 15,588$8,341,618 TG
434 31 Manchester City (#19) 15,507$9,438,271 HG
433 12 Iffypuffy (#20) 22,493$16,056,488 TG
432 36 ashetray (#54) 14,035$8,072,481 HG
431 10 Kadena (#12) 25,223$22,709,006 HG
430 24 tzolitto (#21) 16,609$9,729,618 TG
429 40 ococor (#14) 13,760$6,153,506 TG
428 18 yatgnos (#89) 22,952$15,265,270 CG
427 48 Lizo (#16) 10,347$2,996,124 CG
426 41 Lacazong (#22) 15,989$6,007,561 CG
425 26 Sanchong (#22) 16,126$8,093,688 CG
424 36 Ozong (#10) 11,365$5,207,158 CG
423 51 Fabresong (#12) 14,873$4,573,752 R
422 53 Arsongnal (#95) 13,871$4,216,538 D

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism