Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 200
Currently Logged in: 200
Game Profile for songtay on the Tournament Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: Eleventh
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $31,013,922 | #337 |
Land | 50,743 | #256 |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $9,540,539 | #316 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Game |
135 | 11 | have mercy (#12) | 13,649 | $8,060,301 | HG | A |
134 | 5 | have mercy (#9) | 15,979 | $11,010,314 | HG | C |
133 | 2 | peepor (#9) | 18,316 | $15,482,152 | CG | B |
132 | 18 | songtay (#29) | 6768 | $3,272,873 | MG | C |
101 | 32 | Arsene Wenger (#16) | 100 | $4717 | MG | A |
100 | 13 | Arsene Wenger (#8) | 6587 | $4,678,345 | CG | C |
99 | 14 | Arsene Wenger (#12) | 17,903 | $11,548,214 | CG | A |
98 | 13 | Arsene Wenger (#8) | 11,129 | $4,467,104 | FG | C |
97 | 22 | Rossini (#28) | 13,614 | $9,013,103 | HG | A |
96 | 14 | Rossini (#2) | 10,258 | $4,647,184 | HG | B |
95 | 32 | Arsongnal (#16) | 5477 | $2,387,587 | CG | A |
94 | 15 | Arsongnal (#4) | 14,213 | $5,078,606 | RG | B |
93 | 32 | Arsongnal (#76) | 2635 | $282,862 | MG | B |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |